𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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If there was one thing Monty was looking forward to in his life, it was turning sixteen. There was so much you could do at sixteen, such as get your drivers license or start thinking about colleges. For Monty's entire life, he had been planning what his sixteenth birthday would be like. He would have this huge party, and all of his friends would be invited. There would be a kegger, one that would be gone in about an hour because the main goal of Monty's party was to get as drunk as possible with no regrets at all. To top it all off, there would be two birthday cakes. Yeah, you heard that right, two cakes. One chocolate and one vanilla. It seemed extremely unrealistic, but Monty had came up with all of this when he was nine years old, so dreaming big wasn't too out of the ordinary at the time.

But Monty wasn't getting any of that now, for he had gotten himself grounded and his birthday party cancelled. And despite telling Georgia he didn't give a damn about his birthday, he actually did care, and he actually pretty upset that all of his birthday plans were cancelled. To top it all off, Abby was apparently back together with Press. It was all over the schools so called "tea page". In conclusion, Monty was a depressed mess. For the first time, his birthday was just seen as an ordinary day.

The morning of Monty's birthday, he didn't wake up with a grin on his face, nor did he roll over and immediately check his phone to see all of the birthday messages he received. Instead, he simply got himself ready and made his way downstairs to eat breakfast. On his way there however he froze, noticing how Ginny's hair was now straight.

"What's with your hair?" He questioned, his brows furrowed in confusion.

Ginny shrugged. "Wanted to do something new for a change. Happy birthday by the way."

"Nothing to be happy about, but thanks. Happy birthday." Monty replied, a soft smile on his face soon afterwords. Together the twins walked inside the kitchen, noticing how Georgia was observing two cakes.

"Your hair!" She exclaimed once Ginny sat down at the table. "It's straight."

"It's like I told Monty. I wanted to try something new for a change. New, older me." Ginny replied.

"But I love your natural hair."

"Aww. Then you wear it."

Georgia rolled her eyes before lighting the candle to the cakes, both twins rolling their eyes and looking disinterested. Monty knew he should've just texted Ricky the night before to pick him up so he would have to sit through this torture. Georgia began to sing the birthday song, Monty holding his head in his hands and counting down the moments until this was all over. When the song ended, Monty aggressively stabbed his fork into his cake and took a bite.

"This came from Zions parents." Georgia announced, handing both of the twins an envelope. Monty looked inside, his eyes widening once he found multiple hundred dollar bills. The smile fell off his face however when he noticed that the envelope was already open.

"You opened my gift?" He questioned with a sigh.

"It was five hundred dollars."

"Whatever. Wouldn't be the first time you went through my stuff." Monty mumbled causing Ginny to snicker under her breath. Georgia ignored Monty, instructed paying attention to Austin who had ran over to the twins, holding out two birthday cards.

"Aw, thanks Austin." Ginny grinned, hugging Austin tightly, Monty doing the same a few seconds later.

"Cake!" Austin cheered, grinning.

"Cake!" Georgia repeated, grinning right back. "Go brush your teeth."

Austin did as he was told, leaving Georgia and the twins alone once more. Monty began to pack up his stuff and walk out of the house but Georgia grabbed his arm, basically telling him to stay or else. So he sat back down, rolling his eyes and resting his head on his chin.

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