𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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"Momma, go away." Monty groaned into his pillow, turning on his side. It was about seven in the morning, and Monty had yet to get out of bed and get ready for the day. Instead he spent his time sleeping, hoping to get rid of the eyebags under his eyes so that nobody would bother to ask any questions on his appearance. Georgia didn't share the same mindset however because here she was, shaking Monty awake as if he had dropped dead and showed no signs of life.

"No, you're going to school. You have football practice today, remember?" Georgia reminded her son, resting her chin on top of his head. "Plus if you don't get up you won't be able to have my luxurious waffles."

"I'll dream about eating waffles." Monty replied, his eyes still shut as the sun blasted on his face, causing his body to feel an infinite amount of warmth and comfort. All he wanted to do was stay in his room all day, alone with his own thoughts. School was currently pushed to the bottom of his necessities.

"No, you'll eat waffles in real life. I'm not gonna tell you again." Georgia had pulled the sheets off of Montys body causing the warmth to fade away within seconds and instead replaced with a feeling of unfriendly coolness. Monty turned to lay on his back, realizing that he had no other choice but to get ready for the day. Georgia hummed in satisfaction when she saw her soon rolling out of bed, rubbing at his exhausted eyes. When Georgia was far enough out of sight Monty rolled his eyes, not wanting to be scolded for being rude towards his mother.

After spending all the time in the world getting ready, Monty made his way down to the kitchen where everyone was eating breakfast. The smell of waffles was enough to make his stomach churn, however he still took a seat at the table and pulled his hood over his head, for he assumed that it would be enough to mask his emotions.

"You ok?" Austin asked, staring at her twin with a look of pure concern. The truth was,  Monty didn't know if he was ok or not. Just the other day he was perfectly normal, laughing and smiling with his friends and family. But now he woke up exhausted and barley reactive, almost as if he was dead. Austin glanced at his older brother, a deep frown on his lips. He too knew what was going on, but decided to keep his mouth shut for the sake of not wanting to make Monty uncomfortable.

"I'm fine," Monty muttered, cutting up a piece of his waffle. "Just tired, that's all."

Right before Austin could continue to interrogate his brother the front door opened, Paul walking in carrying two large boxes.

"Okay, coffee maker in the house." He announced.

"Is that the last of it?" Georgia questioned, turning to face her fiancé.

"Uh, well, you would think that, but you would be wrong. I don't know how I have that much crap in my house."

Ginny walked downstairs moments later, Monty raising a brow at his twins complete change in style. But he wasn't complaining however, for Ginny could pull off any look she wanted.

"Hey Ginny," Georgia greeted. "You think you and the boys can stay at Zions this Friday? Paul and I are gonna crash at his condo after we finish cleaning it out."

Ginny nodded. "This Friday? Yeah."

"My freedom. It's the end of an era." Paul joked, shaking both Austin and Montys arm causing the both of them to chuckle.

"So, family, I have to throw a party for my initiation to the neighborhood club," Georgia informed. "What do we think? What's my theme?"

"Theme?" Monty repeated, furrowing his brows. "Why do we need a theme?"

"What household were you raised? There's opportunity for theme, you take it."

"Whats the theme of your wedding?" Ginny questioned.

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