𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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After making up with his mother, Monty had a peaceful nights sleep. Normally when he was stressed or angry about something he would barley sleep at all, just staring up at the ceiling or scrolling through social media all night. But now that things were back to normal, Monty could allow his eyes to close without them opening again until the morning. It felt good, clearing the air with his mother and being able to tell her everything that had been going on in his life. Now all he had to do was convince Ginny to do the same and truly everything would go back to normal.

Monty yawned loudly, stepping out of his room and walking towards the bathroom where Ginny was knocking loudly on the door.

"Who's in the bathroom?" He questioned, leaning against the wall.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Austin. He won't get out no matter how many times I call him."

Monty knocked on the door as well, feeling the need to take a nice and shot shower.

"Austin! Come on man, other people gotta use the bathroom too!"

Eventually the door opened, revealing Paul who was wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his abdomen. Monty's jaw was on the floor, and he ran a hand over his face before walking downstairs and sitting down at the dining table, Ginny doing the same.

"You guys excited for your big sweet sixteen surprise?" Georgia questioned, grinning at the twins.

"Gosh mom, I don't know. Monty and I had such a fun surprise already when the mayor was naked in our bathroom." Ginny replied.

"French toast?" Paul offered, holding out the plate. Monty glared at the man, snatching the food off the plate and aggressively taking a bite out of it.

"Monty, be nice." Georgia warned.

"Remember when mom dated Omid, and he'd throw grapes in the air and catch them in his mouth?" Ginny blurted. Monty snickered and bit on his French toast once more, already seeing where this was going.

"Remember Louis the fry cook? How he'd always make us biscuits?"

"I liked Luis." Austin commented.

"Me too, but I didn't like Tucker."

"Tucker was an asshole," Monty added. "Just like all the other men my mom dated. Who knows, maybe you'll even make the list soon Paul."

"That's enough." Georgia told both of the twins. But Monty couldn't help himself, for it was the truth. All of the men Georgia had brought home were all assholes, and they cared about nothing but sex. He couldn't even begin to list the amount of times he had to prevent one of them from using physical violence whenever they got mad at Georgia. It was the same cycle, over and over again. Well, except his dad. He was the only person Monty knew that treated his mother with actual respect. Paul? Even though he was the mayor, Monty didn't trust him one bit.

"So I hear your mom has quite the big day planned. Are you excited?" Paul questioned.

"Not really." Ginny replied while Monty simply shrugged his shoulders. The doorbell rang, and in walked all of Ginny's friends, including Abby. Both her and Monty made eye contact, smiling at each other. Monty already knew that he was in for a bumpy ride.

"Mama, where are you taking me?" Monty laughed, being led down the stairs of his house. Georgia had her hands placed over his face, claiming that she had a surprise for him. Monty didn't know what to expect, but being blindfolded and led to a destination was always a good sign so he decided to go along with it. The two had entered the basement, and Monty didn't know why but he smelled a mixture of sprite and Doritos. Specifically the cool ranch ones.

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