𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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Every single inch of Montys body ached and groaned to the point where it even hurt to turn his head slightly. A few hours after the infamous party that had went down, Paul cleaned up Montys injuries and sent him to bed straight away. As if that was going to magically cure everything that had taken place that night. If anything, it made him feel even worse. It gave him time to fully process and think about the events that taken place that night. By throwing that punch to Anthony's face, Monty pretty much threw away his entire future as well. He had been kicked out of the football group chat a little bit after the party, no explanation whatsoever. Monty was just stuck staring at his phone until eventually one of his friends decided to shoot him and text and let him know what was going on. Monty should've known that his friends would've been furious with him, but that didn't mean it shocked him any less.

Monty knew he should've never left his room to go to the party. He should've just stared up at his ceiling like he normally did, waiting until his eyes fluttered shut and he was enveloped in a deep sleep. But Abby had texted him, and Monty wanted nothing more then to please his girlfriend and give her what she wanted, which was a good time. But that good time didn't exactly go as planned, Montys busted, wrapped up knuckles being a prime example.

Every single inch of Monty's body ached and groaned with pain, but the worst of all had to be his mind. That part of his body was now beyond repair, swarming with negative thoughts and emotions to the point where Monty would be sobbing into his pillow quite loudly until the early hours of the morning. He would have the change the pillowcase before his mother decided to barge in and wake him up for for school, which was a pretty short time period for his mother was known to move quite quickly when it came to school. He knew that contacting his therapist was the only way to truly help himself, but even turning his head the slightest was painful. So Monty did the only thing he had became an expert at. Laying in bed and doing nothing with himself.

The early morning sun rays was what awoke Monty from his hour slumber. He slowly peeled his eyes open, slapping a hand over them a few seconds later in an attempt to protect himself from a developing migraine. Monty finally had the mental and psychical strength to reach over and grab his phone from his nightstand, checking the time and his notifications.

It was seven in the morning, which meant pretty soon the entire house was going to be awake and as loud as ever. Monty placed his phone under his pillow, closing his eyes and attempting to get some sleep before he was forced to start his day.

"That's what we're here for! To help you, to figure out what's going on. But you know what, it's like we did. Don't bother. You wanna keep bailing on us to make out with Abby whenever you feel like it, that's fine. Because we don't need you anymore." Elijah scoffed, shaking his head.

Monty shot upright, his eyes wide with panic. That same argument he had with his friends at school replayed in his mind like a broken record, forcing him awake once more. They were supposed to understand, know that there were just some things Monty wasn't ready to let them in on yet. But they didn't. Instead they shut him out, telling him that they didn't need him anymore. That one petty argument was what led to everything crashing down. Maybe for good.

A gentle knock on Montys door was what caused him to suck in a deep breath, falling back on his bed and allowing for his mother to walk in with that same gentle smile she always wore when one of her kids were going through something.

"Monty," Georgia spoke softly, slowly walking inside of his room with her arms crossed over her chest. "How're you feeling, baby?"

"I'm fine," Monty uttered, cursing to himself at the way his voice cracked. "I'm gonna be up in a second, momma."

"Paul and I actually think it's a good idea that you stay home today. Let your hands heal, give you some time to rest."

Monty slowly sat up at that, his brows furrowed. It was honestly the last thing he was expecting, yet nonetheless he was still grateful that Paul suggested that for him instead of just pushing through the day and going to school.

𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆|𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐀Where stories live. Discover now