𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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(montys pov will be later in the chapter!)

Georgia Miller could not breath for the life of her. It felt as if all the oxygen in the world had suddenly disappeared, forcing the woman to gasp in breaths as she sat in the middle of a hospital waiting room. Her senses were working however, and she could faintly smell hand sanitizer and lemon each time she tried to intake a breath. How could a mother be able to function knowing that her son was in the hospital, fighting for his life? Every time Georgia thought of Monty, laying in a cold hospital bed with multiple wires connected to his body, she felt like bursting out into tears and pulling all of her hair out. From the corner of her eye, Georgia could see Ginny and Austin sitting right beside her, silently crying to themselves as they waited on how their brother was doing. Paul had went to the cafeteria, trying to retrieve food for the small family for they hadn't eaten in hours.

The sun had long gone down, the stars illuminating in the sky. Monty would've loved a night like this. He had always been sort of a dork when it came to a astrology, which Ginny had made fun of him for multiple times. But instead, that wasn't going to be the case at all.

"Georgia!" Ellen called, running inside of the waiting room with the rest of the Baker family. Georgia didn't hesitate before standing up and wrapping her best friend in a bone crushing hug. "We just heard. I'm so sorry."

"How is he?" Marcus added, pulling Ginny in for a hug as well.

Georgia shook her head. "Doctors haven't come out yet."

Clint signed something, Ellen turning towards Georgia with a sad smile. "Clint says that Montys going to be alright. He's a strong kid."

Georgia wanted to believe that, she truly did. Monty was strong, for he was able to push past a dislocated shoulder and still play football during his freshmen year. But this was different. This was a life or death situation, one that Georgia didn't ever think she was going to her herself into.

"Dad just texted, he said he was parking." Ginny informed, looking up from her phone. Right on cue Zion burst through the doors, wearing the same panicked and terrified face that Georgia did.

"Georgia, what the hell happened?" Zion demanded.

"I-I don't know," Georgia replied, pressing a hand to her chest to catch her breathing once more. "It all happened so fast, Zion. One second he was fine, and the next—"

"Montana Miller?" A doctor questioned, everyone spinning around with wide eyes. Paul had finally arrived, holding a large tray of coffee.

"We're the parents," Both Georgia and Zion stepped forward, the doctor nodded. "Whats going on?"

"My name is Dr.Prescott, and I've been treating Monty for some time," The woman began to explain. "An average sixteen year old boy is supposed to weigh about 134 pounds. Your son weighed 127 pounds."

"He lost seven pounds?" Ginny repeated, letting out a shaky breath. "How is that even possible?"

"Monty was extremely malnourished when he arrived here. Because of the lack of nutrients in his body, that's what triggered his fever and why his immune system was so slow in fighting off the virus."

"We feed Monty," Georgia argued,  sending the doctor an insane look. "Every single night, we feed him."

"That leads me to my next point," Dr.Prescott continued, Georgia latching on to Paul's arm. "This could be a mental issue. We took note of the scars on Montys wrists while hooking up the IV's. When he wakes up, we'd like to run a few tests to determine the cause of this."

"Shit," Zion whispered, running a hand over his face. "Holy shit."

"This is a lot to take in, I'm well aware. But please believe me when I say that Monty is going to be alright. He should be awake in a few hours and as soon as he is, I'm going to take you to see him."

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