𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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Ever since Monty was a little kid Halloween has always been one of his favorite holidays. Free candy, horror movies and dressing up all packed into one day was a dream come true for the boy. And despite the fact that he had stopped dressing up years ago, Monty was still willing to put in a effort for Austin who had not lost his trick or treating spirit as of yet.

When Monty woke up the morning of Halloween, he was met with the football group chat being blown up per usual. He sent his usual good morning message before getting dressed and making his way downstairs to eat some breakfast.

"Monty, you joining us for our horror movie marathon?" Ginny asked, a wide smile on her face.

Monty shrugged his shoulders. "I join you guys every year. Don't really think this one should be any different."

"Good, because I think I finally cracked the perfect Halloween movie marathon. Scream, Black Swan, and The Shining. The Shining is classic. Scream is camp. White people do the darnedest things. Cap it off with Black Swan. It's contemplative, nuanced, eerily disturbing, and it has a message. I'm not sure what that message is. Something to do with two women mirroring each other. The constant need for perfection and adoration. Wow, am I like a genius? Was that an off-the-cuff thesis or what?" Ginny rambled.

"You're such a loser." Monty scoffed causing his twin to hit his arm and for Georgia to turn back around.

"Hey, everything ok?" Ginny asked.

"Everything's fine peach." Georgia replied. Monty raised a brow, already knowing that something was off. He had the ability to read his mother like an open book, always sensing when something was wrong with her. Ginny unfortunately didn't share the same talent her twin did.

"Can I watch with you this year?" The group of three in the kitchen jumped back when Austin appeared in front of them, a grin on his face.

"Sure bud." Monty muttered, taking in a deep breath and ruffling Austin's hair.

"No!" Ginny protested.

Georgia seemed to have agreed with Monty. "He's fine. It's just a scary movie. He's going to have nightmares."

"No I won't."

"See, no he won't."

The twins moved to sit at in their respective seats, noticing how Georgia had taken it upon herself to open up their mail.

"Mama, I do hope you're aware that opening other peoples mail is a federal offense." Monty spoke.

"Arrest me. Y'all picked out some of my favs though. I'm glad you guys are finally decorating."

Monty smiled when he was met with multiple Polaroids of locations around the world sent in by his father. Zion Miller was a photographer, traveling around the world and occasionally sending in photos to his children. Monty missed his dad, and nowadays it was rare he could even get on the phone with him. Photos were the closet thing he was going to get to Zion until he decided to come back and finally visit his kids.

Georgia pulled out multiple packets of sugar from her drawer causing Monty to furrow his brows.

"Where'd you get all of those mama?"

"Blue farm."

"Just buy the sugar." The lights had started to flicker causing Monty to roll his eyes. They had been doing that all morning, and it was the reason why he woke up in the morning.

"Mom, is the house haunted?" Austin asked, Georgia ignoring him. Monty raised a brow, wondering why she was acting so closed off lately.

"Mom. Mom is it—"

𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆|𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐀Where stories live. Discover now