𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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It was a feeling Monty was used too, but he never truly thought of how severe it could get. Severe to the point where he felt like banging his head against the wall to feel something. Montys mother told him that moving to Wellsbury was supposed to be different. That it would bring a chance upon the entire family, one that would be for good. But instead it was for the worse. It was like everyone said. The past is known to repeat itself.

For the second time within the span of less then a year, Montana Miller got betrayed by the people he was supposed to call his friends. By going out and airing his struggles out to their coach, he would get kicked off the team and treated as some sort of nut job. Someone who was so messed up to the point where everyone at school would stare at him if he even breathed the wrong way.

At first, Monty pretended not to care. He acted as if getting kicked off the team was a good thing, and that Coach was actually doing him a favor. But after trying so long to hide his feelings away in hopes no one would be to see just how getting thrown away like a piece of trash affected him, he ran away to the nearest boys bathroom and just sobbed and sobbed until lunch. Monty missed all of his morning classes, and his mother would for sure be getting a phone call home from school. But at the moment, none of that mattered. All his brain could focus on was the fact that the same exact thing was happening over again. Getting kicked off the team, shunned by the people he was supposed to call his best friends. It was like some sick nightmare replaying in his head and he wanted nothing more then to just make it stop for good.

"Guys! Wait!" Monty called, jogging to catch up with his former teammates. It had been a week since he had gotten off the team, and Monty had finally built up the courage to speak to his friends and explain what had happened the night of the party.

"We don't wanna talk to you, Monty," Cole spat, slamming his locker shut and beginning to make his way down the hallway. "Not after what you did."

"I'm sorry, alright?" Monty pleaded. "I really am. I never meant to bail on you guys, ok? I was drugged. I woke up, not knowing what had happened."

"You got drugged," Cole mocked, Monty flinching back at the sarcasm of his tone. "Cute story, bro. You expect us to believe that?"

"It's the truth! You know I'd never willingly bail on you guys. This team//"

"Means the world to you? It's your everything? Well if it's truly your everything, you would've been standing beside us on our field during that game. But now because of you, everybody thinks we're a bunch of damn rejects."

Monty felt the tears begin to well in his eyes, however he made no attempt to wipe them away. "Guys, please."

"You're an asshole, Monty. You think you can just come back of us, expecting automatic forgiveness? Well I got another thing coming for you. I'm gonna make it my mission to make your life a living nightmare." Cole shoved Monty back into the lockers, his back crying out in pain due to the impact. The Miller boy picked himself up, letting out small cries in the process.

"I'm sorry," Was the only thing he could bring himself to say, the shock and pain preventing him from saying anything more. "Please don't leave."

"You left us first." Was the last thing Cole said before walking down the hallway.

When Monty snapped out of his trance, he found himself standing in front of his house, his trembling hand on the doorknob. He didn't understand why he didn't just go inside instead of standing out in the cold like a weirdo, but when he glanced at himself in the window and saw the tear stains on his face he understood. If Monty was to go inside, that would just cause questions to arise and he didn't have the mental capacity and strength to answer them. Eventually Monty decided to step foot inside of his house, the warm air chasing him to shiver slightly and remove his jacket.

𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆|𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐀Where stories live. Discover now