𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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After school Monty was at work along with his twin sister as he served food and drinks to rich snobby people. His friends sat at a table as well, though they weren't ordering anything. Instead they were just discussing how the Halloween party Abby invited Monty too earlier that day.

"We can go after my shift." Monty suggested as he handed a customer their check and sent them a smile. Joe (the owner of the cafe Monty worked at) always told him that smiling was the best way to earn himself a tip. And Monty being desperate for tips was the understatement of the century. He wanted to save up enough money to eventually take Abby out to a more fancy location such as a restaurant across town. Earning tips and working hard was the only way to make that happen.

"I'm gonna be late to the party. Gotta take my little sister trick or treating." Ricky informed, trying to snatch Monty's tip out of his pocket causing the boy to slap his hand away.

"Why can't your mom do it?" Anthony replied, raising a brow. Monty rolled his eyes at his question. If he were a true friend and was paying attention, he would know that Ricky's mom worked two jobs to provide for her family, which meant he had to take charge and take care of his younger sister. Monty had only known Ricky for about a month now, and even he knew that. Ricky clenched his jaw, clear anger evident im his face. Lucas and Elijah rolled their eyes as well, glaring daggers at Anthony.

"Hey Monty, what're you going as for Halloween?" Ginny questioned, walking up to her brother and nudging his shoulder.

"He's going as Ghostbusters!" Abby called from the spot at her table, causing Monty to give her a head nod which she returned a few moments later.

"Ok, of course you would know." Norah teased. Monty's cheeks flushed a deep pink.

"Ghostbusters? So basic." Ginny commented, shaking her head. Monty rolled his eyes and nudged her rather harshly, causing her to almost stumble into a table. Ginny retaliated by slapping Monty upside the head and right before the play fighting could continue Joe stepped in, pulling the two apart.

"No twin fights on my watch. Back to work."

Monty grinned at Ginny who sent him a small smile back. Usually after the two would play fight or argue they would smile, letting each other know that they were cool.

"I'll be right with y'all." Ginny spoke, turning towards a woman who was sitting with her kid.

"Where're you from darling? I heard a y'all." The woman replied, popping a French fry into her mouth. Monty and Ginny shared a look, both of them being confused out of their minds. Max grabbed Ginny's attention which caused Monty to step in.

"Here are some napkins. Let me know if I could get you anything else." He spoke, placing the napkins down on the table and smiling at the two.

"Y'know, you look a lot like someone I used to know." The woman mentioned, cracking a grin.

Monty furrowed his brows. "Uh, what do you mean?"

Just as the woman could reply Joe shouted Monty's name, telling the boy to get back to work. He stared at the woman for a second more before turning on his heel and getting back to work.

As Monty was getting his outfit ready for the party his door opened, Georgia walking in with a wide grin on her face.

"Can you maybe like, knock before you barge in?" Monty questioned with a roll of his eyes.

"Sorry, I forget sometimes," Georgia replied, shrugging her shoulders. "Talk to me. I've been so focused on your sister and her teenage hormones that I've never really gotten the chance to talk to you. Do you like it here? You have any friends?"

𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆|𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐀Where stories live. Discover now