𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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For the longest time, Monty had thought he would never be able to experience true happiness. That for the rest of his life his heart would be in shambles and a frown forever plastered across his lips. To Monty, happiness had become a myth you see in the tv shows and books. He never felt it anymore, for if he didn't he wouldn't be in therapy or almost die from starving himself so much.

However, Monty was proven wrong. There were still people out there who loved and cared for him, who showed him that he was still capable of being happy. No matter how many tears Monty shed, no matter how many times he tried to push his loved ones away, they always came back stronger than ever. For Monty, that was enough for him to smile one of his signature smiles that used to brighten up anyone's day.

In the last few days, things have been slowly changing for the better. For one, Monty was now able to eat a full meal without throwing it up seconds later or lying saying that he was sick. Secondly, everyone who Monty had pushed away in the past was now coming back, including Abby. The two talked practically every single night, catching each other up on their hectic lives. Monty would be lying if he said he didn't miss the sound of her voice, to be able to hug her and laugh with her just like he used to. But it was like Abby said. She was here now, and wasn't leaving anytime soon. As for his parents, they were being a lot more cautious when it came to what they said or did. At first Monty found it a little annoying, for he didn't want to be monitored every five seconds in fear he might be admitted into the hospital once more. But at the end of the day, it was the thought that counted. All Monty had ever wanted for his parents to pay attention to him and his struggles, and now that his wish was finally coming true he felt that he had no right to complain.

Monty was snapped out of his thoughts when Georgia wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him onto her chest along with Ginny. Monty hummed at the contact, missing it more then he thought he would.

"Just three comfies on a couch." Georgia spoke.

"I feel like we haven't left this couch in days." Ginny mentioned, Monty nodding in agreement. He couldn't even remember the last time he had laid in his own bed, either scrolling through his phone or staring up at the ceiling like he had always done in an attempt to both calm his nerves and pass time. Now that he was spending time with his loved ones, it seemed as if the hours flew by in a matter of seconds. Monty didn't know whether to be grateful for this or be utterly terrified. Perhaps both would be able to work in this case.

"We are the couch. The couch is us," Georgia agreed. "You both don't have to go back to school tomorrow if it's too much. We could play hooky. Watch movies all day."

Monty felt the pang in his heart, the thought of school causing his mood to drop in a matter of seconds. Of course he was excited to see Marcus and Abby once more, but the thought of coming across all of his old friends, the people who had abandoned him when he needed them the most, it was enough to make Monty run to the nearest bathroom and throw up all of the junk food he had eaten in the last couple of hours. Instead, Monty tightened his grip on his mother and chewed on the inside of his cheek in an attempt to keep the nausea at bay.

"If I watch one more rom-com, I will light myself on fire." Ginny attempted to joke causing Monty to grab the pillow closet to him and throw it at his sister.

"That isn't funny."

"Yeah, uh, this is coming from the same guy who threatened to admit himself back in the hospital because Paul was taking forever in the bathroom?" Ginny retaliated causing Monty to playfully roll his eyes once more and throw yet another pillow at her face. Georgia took this as an opportunity to try and smother both Monty and Ginny with a blanket, the twins laughing loudly before pulling away and grabbing their phones which had gone off at the same time. Montys smile immediately widened at the sight of Abby's contact, and he clicked on the message to see what she had texted.

𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆|𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐀Where stories live. Discover now