𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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For a moment, Monty thought that he was back at his fathers place. He laid in the comfort of his guest bedroom, sleeping soundly beside Austin who would occasionally throw some of his toys at Monty who was only trying to get some rest. His theory was proved wrong however when he opened his eyes and remembered that he was back home in his own room.

In his mothers house.

Monty sighed, staring ahead at the blank wall for what seemed like forever. He really didn't want to get up. He wanted to stay in bed all day and try and imagine himself back in Zions place. But Georgia would never let that happen, so the only thing Monty could do was start the day so he didn't need to hear her mouth at all.

"Morning." Abby mumbled, slowly opening her eyes as well. Monty jumped back, confused out of his mind as to why Abby was sleeping beside him. Didn't she go home? Monty attempted to remember the events from last night, only coming up with arguing with his mom about moving back in.

"Whats going on?" Monty questioned, looking around his room with a panicked look in his eye before looking back at Abby. "Why are you in my bed?"

"You don't remember anything from last night?" Abby replied, her brows furrowed in confusion. When Monty shook his head Abby sighed before continuing. "You were having a mental breakdown. You claimed how you didn't wanna move back in with your mom and was gonna go live with your grandparents. I managed to convince you to stay. Then you fell asleep I stayed the night with you."

Monty chewed on his fingernails, slowly starting to remember the events that took place the last night. The way he screamed at abby, telling her how he could no longer live in a place where his mother was as well. How he threw random clothes into his small duffel bag while also trying to hold his tears in. And most importantly, how Abby still decided to stay through it and hold Monty as he broke down.

"Oh god," Monty whispered, running a hand over his face. "I went insane last night."

"And that's ok," Abby assured, cupping Montys cheek and smiling at him. "You were probably holding in those feelings for a long time."

"I was. Thanks for staying. I figured you would leave."

"After not seeing you for two weeks, do you really think I was just gonna get up and leave?" Abby joked, Monty snickering soon afterwards. He almost forgot that they were technically not still together. This felt so natural, so right in a way. Almost as if they never ended things in the first place. For the first time in a long time, Monty genuinely felt happy.

Abby rolled out of bed, beginning to get dressed with Monty doing the same a few seconds later.

"Did my mom see us?" Monty questioned as he pulled on a fresh pair of sweatpants from his closet.

"Nah," Abby shook her head before walking up to Montys window. "Holy shit. Looks like you're not the only one who had a special someone spend the night."

"What do you mean?" Monty replied. Abby grabbed Monty's hand, pulling him towards the window. Sure enough Marcus was seen climbing out of Ginny's window, quickly jogging over to his place so he wouldn't get caught. Both Monty and Abby laughed at that, confused yet also amused at the situation that had just taken place.

"I should probably get going. Not exactly sure if your sister wants to see me after everything," Abby pulled on her hoodie and beginning to climb out of Monty's window. "See you at school?"

"Hey, you and Ginny will work it out." Monty assured with a nod. Before Abby was gone, he hesitated before leaning forward and pressing a quick kiss to her cheek. Abby's eyes widened at the sudden gesture, her hand reaching up to touch her cheek. But she sent one last smile to the boy before climbing down from his room and walking off.

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