The dock

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Aiden is my favorite character so there is going to be a lot of his pov most of the time but this on is mostly James pov

Aiden POV

I was at the dock just skipping rocks because I wanted to just be away from the camera for 5 minutes there was a camera that would let you see the dock but I covered that up. It was finally no cameras on me and it was super nice especially after yesterdays challenge Anyways the sun will set in hour or two so I might as well enjoy the view.

James POV

I was walking through the woods until I heard some small movements and looked and saw at the dock Aiden he looked so calm it is cute. Wait what am I thinking I sigh and walk up to Aiden. James: "hey Aiden what are you doing" Aiden: "just skipping stones about to watch the sun set" Aiden looked out at the the sun and I looked to the sky was orangish, pinkish and purplish it looked amazing I sat down too. James: "I'm glad your okay" Aiden: "you didn't see me covered in blood I saw you in that so there is a difference but I'm glad your okay too" me and Aiden talked for a while until. Aiden: "look the sun is setting" I looked and it was very pretty when I was about to say something to Aiden I looked at him and saw the sun making his skin look absolutely amazing before I even thought I grabbed my phone and took a picture of him. Aiden: "why are you taking a picture of just me James" before I could even think I just said James: "you just looked very pretty and I wanted to keep it on my phone". Why did I just say that what am I saying Aiden just looked at me and smiled softly. I don't know where my mind is but without even realizing I grabbed Aiden's cheek and pulled him in and kissed him. He immediately kissed back and I pulled away Aiden: "Oh sorry did you only fell like you had too" James: "no no I'm just surprised you kissed back". I brought him back and kissed him James: "Aiden would you like to be my boyfriend" Aiden looked at me and said Aiden: "I'd like that a lot but let's keep it a secret because they could get one of them could get us out to make one of us sad" James: "that sounds good" I started to make out with him and after a while we stopped. Aiden: "while I like this but we should probably go back to the cabin" James: "okay okay fine but can we do this again soon".

Words: 466

James x Aiden one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now