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Hey sorry I haven't made a one-shot but here is this I felt so sad making this but it was so cute too. Please watch season 1 episoded 2 the conversation with Tom and Jake were Jake explains why Jake wants to talk with Miriam and about his grandmother.

Type: angst and fluff
they aren't going to get together in this one-shot but you know just a cute before couple things

Ship: Tom x Jake

Summary: Tom was about to sneak out a phone started ringing and it was jakes he answering it got some news after the call he just got up and left the tent and Tom thinking he just had to use the restroom. He sneaked away but when he came back after a few hours realized Jake still wasn't back and went to find him.


I was about to get up and sneak away to get more information on Jensen, Derek, and Trevor but then I heard a phone  ring and laid back down who could be having a phone call in the middle of the night. I saw Jake sit up and look at the phone then answer it.

Jake POV

I was half asleep and saw my phone ringing and said quietly Jake: "this is Jake miller who is this" ???: "hello Jake it's me Alice from *** hospital". Jake: "oh hello ma'am why are you calling me at the middle of the night" Alice: "Jake I'm" I heard Alice sigh Alice: "Jake I'm sorry for your lost but we couldn't help your grandmother Clara miller". my heart sunk I felt like crying Jake: "thank you ma'am for telling me and trying to help her". Alice: " I give you my condolences Jake" Jake: "yep thank you have a nice day ma'am" Alice: "thank you have a goodnight". I hung up the phone I didn't know what to do but I'm just going to go out I don't want people to see me cry or even be sad.


After I heard Jake end the call I opened my eyes to see Jake leaving the tent he was probably just using the bathroom I'm just going to sneak past him.

Time skip to 3 hours later

Still Tom's POV

I'm exhausted I walked into the tent and saw Jake was still nowhere to be seen I worried why is he still not here has he been gone sense I left I'm going to go find him.

Jake POV

I was just at the cliff that has a good view of the lake it was nice I guess I'm wasn't really looking at it I'm just lost in my mind crying I don't even know how much time had passed until I heard. Tom: "Jake why are you crying" Jake: "oh hey Tom don't worry about it just being dramatic" Tom: "Jake why are you crying". Jake: "just got some bad news a little bit ago" Tom: "what was the news" should I tell him I mean sure I trust him but this is my personal life.


I could tell Jake wasn't sure about telling me so I grabbed his hand Tom: "listen Jake I know we haven't known each other for that long but I'm hear to listen". He looked at me and sighed Jake: "they couldn't help my grandmother" Tom: "Jake that's not you being dramatic you loved her you have a right to cry". Jake looked at me and smiled a little Jake: "thanks your amazing" Tom: "you look tired we should go back to the tent". Jake: "sorry but I'd like to stay here for a little longer you can head back though" I just looked looked him. He looked more exhausted then me I grabbed his head and put it on my shoulder and rested my head on his Tom: "let's just sleep here then". Jake: "thank you".

Words: 654

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