Panic attack

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Sorry I got busy for a few days ⚠️as you see there is going to be a panic attack⚠️

Aiden's POV

I was walking back and forth I was really scared you see I accidentally confessed to James earlier I don't even know why it came out it just did.

Flash back

3rd POV

Aiden and James was just grabbing snacks James was talking pictures Aiden: "can you stop taking pictures for 5 minutes". James: "sorry friend but I can't I've already taking so less pictures because of when we didn't have signal". Aiden: "ugh why do have a crush on you".

Flash back ends

Aiden's POV

When I said that I ran off I could see James face he looked so shocked and I couldn't tell but probably disgusted so I just ran into the forest. It was hard to breathe oh no I'm having a panic attack and I was just crying when all of the sudden I heard something James: "AIDEN AIDEN".

James POV

Where is Aiden he confessed to me like 4 hours ago I was surprised because I wasn't expecting so I was stunned for a second and when I finally snapped out of it Aiden just ran away. I still can't find him James: "AIDEN AIDEN" after a few minutes I heard very fast breath and crying. I ran over and saw Aiden having a panic attack.

Aiden POV

James: "Aiden are you okay" Aiden: "just reject me and say you don't want to be my friend anymore". I already am having a panic attack so this is going to be even worse. James: "Aiden I like you too and I want you to be my boyfriend" as soon as I heard that I was so shocked. Aiden: "you do your serious" James: "yeah after the game do you want to go on a date or even have a picnic here" I calmed down while he was talking Aiden: "yeah I'd really like that". Then James kissed me James: "great I still win even if I don't win the game because I get to date a cute boy". I got really flustered and saw the sun started to go down Aiden: "come on I need to take a shower". James: "your so cute when your flustered" James grabbed my hand and we went to the cabin.

Sorry again about not making another sorry in like 2 weeks also I did make a little remark about James leaving because I think he is in the 9th episode.

Words: 425

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