Ep 10 theory's

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Okay first of I think it's episode 10 is coming out on February 23 because it's always the last Thursday of the month.


Aiden is going to tell Rosa Maria he's trans or tell James or someone like PLSSS Aiden but Krystal might out him.

Who is going out it's hunter, James, Aiden, riya but comes down to hunter or James is out this episode.

Rosa Maria going to use here Immunity totem this episode because episode 11 is probably going to not be a voting elimination.

Also I think Rosa Maria or Aiden going to the immunity in this challenge or that stupid thing with hunter will but hopefully not.

Rosa Maria is going to make a small alliance with hunter or Aiden.

Riya is going to tell Rosa Maria that she knew lake had a good chance of getting voted out.

Riya is going to become the main villain of disventure camp or start to be.

If James x Aiden/jaiden doesn't come become cannon in this episode then I think Aiden is going to tell Rosa Maria he likes James.

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