Episode 11 theories 

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Sorry for the delay about This and not posting any new one-shots I'm trying to do more for flower doorstep.

Okay so I think that either florie or Ellie is eliminated because they confirmed that there's not going to be the same finalist and no florie is still the weakest so she needs to go out soon but same goes for Ellie.

Also at the end what are in those trash bags pls don't let it be the eliminated contestants probably not because of all-star season hypothetically, of course because since I'm not a Patreon, I don't know at all (silly Billy).

That scorpion is massive like dang.

I think the 12th episode is a double elimination because it just seems the most likely.

OK I know that this sounds biased but like I feel like Jake is the only one they can win because well yes Miriam is a possibility. She is a little bit weaker than all the others.

I'm scared to see anyone go but also excited for silly Billy interview with the character.

I'm super exited I don't think Alec or florie are getting the immunity here but idk who would get the immunity this episode but I don't think those two are going too.

Elimination order

14th: will (cannon)

13th: drew (cannon)

12th: nick (cannon)

11/10th: lill and Ashley (cannon)

9th: Dan (cannon)


8th: Gabby (cannon)

7th: Gertt (Cannon)

6th: Tom (cannon)

5th: florie

4/3rd: Ellie and Miriam

2nd/ runner up: Alec

1st: jake

I know this seems biased, but I actually genuinely believe this and my friends that Jake isn't their favorite character do believe this to

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