Season 1 Episode 3 trailer

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Okay so I'm actually really excited for this episoded because this is the phobia challenge meaning that we will get to learn everyone's biggest fear

Here is the fears we know so far that I'm pretty sure we know so far

Ashley is scared of house fires

Dan is scared of spiders

Drew is scared of dentist

Ellie is scared of sharks

Florie of riding on a animals back

Gabby is being locked up or claustrophobic

Lill is scared of heights

I think that's all tell me if there is more

You see Dan is the only person that could at this moment get eliminated on the teal team because all of them have something with a strong plot

Purple team can get rid of nick, lill and maybe Ellie but I don't see them losing this challenge for some reason

I think Drew is going to tell gabby about Tom sneaking off because he does a thing with his hand

I think teal team is going to lose this challenge and Dan gets eliminated or drew after telling gabby

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