Disventure camp season 1 episode 1

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Okay so ofc my favorite character stays the same it's Jake

This is interesting Tom not talking about him being a spy so he's trying to hide it

Florie being more secretive about her being a villain

I saw the team switch coming because they wouldn't have put both the villains on the same team even for 1 episode

The paint ball thing was interesting

I know this sounds crazy but I feel like Alec or lill are going to be an early boot

I still feel like miriam or Dan are also going to be early boots I like miriam and it's just that I don't know if they going to actually be in the game for that long

I thought Nick was going to be an early boot and still kinda do I don't know why I just have this feeling

Also I think it's funny how Derek is all in it for the pain

I don't think Ellie is going to win this time I don't even know if she's going to make it to the merge

Okay raking how I think the elimination will go

1st out: Miriam

2nd out: dan

3rd out: lill

4th out: drew

5th out: Alec

6th out: nick


7th out: ellie

8th out: will

9th out: grett

10th out: gabby

11th out: tom or jake I think jake but these two are an alliance and tom is stronger then him so tom still could be put here

12th out: florie or Ashley I'm doing this because I feel like they would put a villain in the finale

13th out/runner up: Ashley or florie I know people are probably going to be mad at me for putting Ashley here and I will agree this is kinda my bias opinion but also we see in this first episode Tom was able to beat Ashley

Winner: Tom or Jake so even if Jake is the one here I think he could win

Again just to clarify this just from what I see I could be completely wrong

Okay so these are my least and favorite characters so you can see my bias so you guys won't be to angry at me I'm going least favorite to my most also just so you know I don't think any character is bad some are just eh to me

Eh tier

Last place: Gertt is my least favorite most people can agree and some can't that's okay you can like Gertt if you want

Next: Will idk I just am eh about him

Lest in eh tier: Nick he might become more likable for me later in the season but adventura camp is still in my mind when I think of Nick

Good tier

First in good tier: I'll probably have to go with lill she is a good character I just like the other characters more

Next: I would like to say Alec again he's a good character but he also is a little bit of a wild card to me he's not bad but he's not the greatest

Next: okay people are going to hate me but Ashley listen she seems like a good character it's just Ashley never made me think omg she so great she's just always been a good character for me

Next: Dan idk I just he's just cool idk why I like him this much

Last in good tier: florie she is still pretty rude that's why she's not in great tier but she has a great strategy and is very secretive about it

Great tier

First in great tier: Drew idk he's just this silly little dude idk I like how Dan literally grabbed him to duck also it's nice

Next: Miriam idk about this season but I loved Miriam in adventura camp after Jake was able to help her open up

Next: Ellie while I didn't like how she used jakes weakness against her in adventura camp she was still a good character

My 3rd favorite: Tom I liked Toms entire thing this episoded and liked it in adventura camp so excited to see him more

My 2nd favorite: gabby she was just hilarious in this season and I liked her in adventura camp even though she was an early boot

My favorite: as you guys probably already know it's Jake idk man he just always been my favorite I like his design and his niceness in adventura camp I know he was mister toxic in adventura camp but you could tell he saw the best in people still

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