Episode 11 talk (also my ranks on the character now)

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As you probably know episode 11 spoilers


No Jake my favorite character like bro I hope Miriam wins

Also Ellie I understand that you were annoyed at Jake but telling him "maybe if you weren't so annoying then your boyfriend wouldn't have cheated on you" is really messed up like if that happened to me and a close friend said that to me I would either punch them or cry about this.

Gabby thinking Tom is a cop is hilarious

Also Jake at the end of the video when he was reading Patron and read methhatestom he looked so sad.

I want Tom and Jake to at least talk like PLSSSSSS.

Fiore finally realizing that she cares about some one like seriously.

Also if you haven't seen this Jared said that they never confirmed that Ellie and fiore can't be finalist

Also if you haven't seen this Jared said that they never confirmed that Ellie and fiore can't be finalist

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This is what he said.

Time for the rankings

Eh tier

14th Will- he just didn't have enough screen time for me to care to much about him.

Okay tier

13th Grett- she's okay I just don't really like her

12th Nick- he was just super rude but kinda funny so yeah okay

Good tier

11th Lill- she was just there she was nice I don't really have anything bad to say about her

10th Ashley- same as Lill I just like her design better then Lill though.

9th Alec- okay okay I know but like he's a cool father figure for fiore but that's kinda is to me.

8th fiore- she a tiny gremlin menace and it's funny

7th dan- he just a little funny geck

6th Ellie- I know it sounds like I hate Ellie but it's like a love hate relationship for me with Ellie.

Great tier

5th drew- he's just a little small child that I love so much



2nd Tom- the gay spy I love you so so so much

1st Jake- my little naive trauma baby you need a hug I love Jake so much.

See you guys later

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