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Ship: Tom x Jake

Miriam is going to be in this story.

Jake POV

Me and Tom were going over to Miriam's house she was teaching us how to bake some sweets which I had a big sweet tooth I didn't know if Tom had one or not. Jake: "turn left and then will be in the street of her house" Tom: "okay got it" Tom was driving while I got the location of Miriam's house. When we got there Miriam open the door and greeted us Miriam: "welcome come in" as we got in there I saw a fire place a picture frame of Miriam and her husband. Jake: "your place looks lovely" Tom: "yeah it looks very nice" Miriam: "thank you but come on we got to start baking my recipes". Me and Tom laughed and went to the kitchen with her Miriam: "okay what do you guys want to learn how to cook first".  Tom: "do you know how to make blueberry and strawberry cake" Tom sounded like a little kid saying that. Miriam and I laughed and she nodded Miriam: "okay then let's start with that first" after a little bit the cake just needed to get baked. I had flower all over the apron I had on and some dough all over my face how did I even mange that. Tom took off his glove and helped get it dough off of my face there was some on my mouth Tom: "I wonder if I kiss you would the dough get on me" Jake: "hehe I don't know maybe". Tom kissed me and after he let go there was some dough on his face know to me and him laughed and then we heard the oven go off. Mariam: "time to decorate the cake" me and Tom got up and went to go help decorate the cake.

By the way I'm going to start and try to post weekly even if it's not a ship so yeah also sorry it was only jake's pov this entire chapter I just knew it could stay that way the entire time

Words: 355

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