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This was requested by aiden_istranz ⚠️harassment⚠️

Ship: James x Aiden/ jaiden

Type: fluff

Summary: Aiden and James go to the mall and when James goes to go get milkshakes and Aiden goes into hot-topic he gets harassed and James steps in.

Aiden POV

I want to go to the mall I'm going to ask James if he wants to go with me Aiden: "hey James can we go to the mall" James: "yeah sure let me go put on my shoes" when they got there James: "where do you want to go". Aiden: "well I want to go to hot-topic" James: "wow you're really emo" Aiden: "haha yep but you love me". James: "yeah yeah I'm going to go get us milk shakes I'll be there in a little bit okay" Aiden: "okay see you in a second". I walked into hot-topic and was looking at some shirts then some random dude walked up to me ???: "hello cutie you here alone". Oh great Aiden: "um no my boyfriend is getting us milkshakes" ???: "oh well you should dump him and date me". Aiden: "um well sorry but no" ???: "oh come I bet I'm a thousand times better then the guy your dating".

James POV

I just got the milkshakes and entered hot-topic ???: "listen I don't believe you actually you have a boyfriend just let me get your number" I look over and saw some dude flirting with Aiden. James: "excuse me can you stop making my boyfriend uncomfortable" ???: "oh so the boyfriend actually exists you could do better cutie". Aiden just looked at him like he wanted to kill him James: "I'm sorry your lonely if you stop being a creep and act like you better then people maybe you could have a friend you sad man". ???: "excuse me" hot-topic worker: "sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave" ???: "haha looks like your going to have to leave". hot-topic worker: "I'm not talking to him I'm talking to you your harassing and getting in a argument with the guy your harassing's boyfriend".

Words: 351

James x Aiden one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now