Episode 9 theory

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Bro what is going on why does the child have a gun😂


Tom's face reveal time I'm so exited

This challenge is probably going to be like a week or 2 challenge

Jake and Alec growing a little beard also how is Jake hear still completely blue like is his hair neutral blue or what like how

I think Tom going to win immunity this episode because it look like he's prepared for it

There is a heart on the cabin wall with J+T in it

Alec looks like he's turning crazy and tried to shot tom

Tom's going to be so worried about Jake and Miriam because he knows what Jensen is capable of

Alec is probably not doing so well because I'm sure he sees florie as he's daughter and florie definitely out before him

The four main people that could get out are Gertt, Jake, Ellie or Miriam maybe Alec because he shot at Tom so Jake and Miriam wouldn't like that because you know close friends and Jake ask Ellie to vote for Alec and you know Ellie doesn't like Alec

The reason it could be Jake is because sense him and Tom make up the alliance will actually be a little over powered because Miriam won't vote for either of them and Jake could probably convince ellie to vote for all three of the villains so right now he is a little overpowered

Miriam is basically the same reason as Jake except Ellie

Ellie because Jake is her only alli right now but I think Tom and might be in this episode

Grett because she is the only villain they can lose right now

Elimination order

14th: will (cannon)

13th: drew (cannon)

12th: nick (cannon)

11/10th: lill and Ashley (cannon)

9th: Dan (cannon)


8th: Gabby (cannon)

7th: Miriam

6th: Gertt

5th: Jake

4th: Ellie

3rd: florie

2nd: Alec

1st: Tom

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