No longer talking

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Sorry for not many one-shots coming out but here is one now I just haven't felt like writing for a while and no new one shot had came to mind. Also don't know how to do a summary for this one so no summary for this story.

Type: angst (this is my first time ever doing pure angst so please don't judge)

Ship: Tom x Jake

Jake POV

Move on move on just move on that was going over and over in my head sense this entire night. I just decided to take a walk for a while not to wake anybody up on my team. I've been feeling a little guilty about the James elimination I mean yeah he called me a boy toy but still I shouldn't have yelled and Aiden loves James so why would he cheat on him. I'm just paranoid I bumped in to someone and saw Aiden. Aiden: "oh hello Jake I'm Aiden" Jake: "yeah I know I'm Jake... I'm sorry" Aiden: "what why are you apologizing to me". Jake: "well kinda sorry to you I'm mostly saying that because I want to say sorry to James". Aiden: "was he eliminated" Jake: "yeah it was my fault because I was paranoid and jealous because I thought Tom was replacing me with you but I know you love James and I was being stupid". Aiden: "oh well I kinda understand you were my favorite in season one because you were like me". Jake: "yeah I'm sorry I'm going to keep going on my way and I'm sorry again to you and James". Aiden: "okay I'll tell James when I see him but he might not forgive you". I smile at him and go on my way and walk to the lake and just look out and see all the pretty lake colors. I heard footsteps behind me and looked back to see Tom. Tom: "oh um sorry" Jake: "don't worry about it you want to sit at the dock I'll leave so I don't make you uncomfortable". Tom looked surprised Jake: "sorry to keep talking but I want to apologize to gabby so can you tell her I would like to talk to her". I start walking away Tom: "I just passed Aiden and he told me you apologized too him and told me why James was eliminated and you're just ignoring the fact about that". Jake: "oh I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable I wasn't mad about really you getting together I know Aiden and James love each other so much but after first season after that conversation. I thought we would keep talking but Miriam was probably pressuring you I'm sorry I just hoped we could be friends but I understand I ruined everything and we can't even be friends". Tom: "you wanted to be friends I'm sorry I thought you just wanted to get back together and was just trying to squeeze your way back into the way things used to be". I stayed quiet for a little while just thinking of what to say.


I feel like a jerk I just assume the worst without any evidence I mean Jake also did that but never ignored me like I did to him. Jake: "I understand me but why did you ignore Miriam" now I feel like even more of a jerk I had no reason too ignore Miriam. Jake: "if it was because of me then you could have told Miriam and I would have respected your wishes". Tom: "I don't know why I didn't talk to her it wasn't because of you though" Jake: "well then your good about not hearing from me because she also saw you as a grandson not just me. She loved you I bet she still loves you she was so devastated the first few months you ignored her". I was shocked Tom: "what do you mean about not hearing from you" Jake: "because, unless it's for Miriam I don't want too talk to you. You broke her heart she also was so nice too you and gave patience too all the dumb s**t we did in season one." Tom: "what" Jake: "but let's not fight let's just be strangers that don't talk we are nothing to each other."

Jake POV

I'm finally going to start moving on Tom: "Jake we don't need to do this" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Jake: "thank you Tom I really appreciate what you did for me in season one I still really like the time we had you were my everything back then so thank you for everything I mean it when I said I'm glad I meet you". Tom: "I'm glad I meet you too Jake" Jake: "I'm sorry if I sounded rude Tom I hope you have a good life and I hope you can establish a good friendship with Miriam". I walked away from dock I'm glad I had that conversation station with Tom it was very needed for my mental health.

I hope you guys liked my first ever fully angst story
Words: 861

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