Episode 13 and all stars theories

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I really hope Miriam wins

I think Tom is going to yell at Jake and I'm so scared for them.

Alec seems mad

Gabby and Tom's friends ship I love them ALSO GABBELLIE

Im excited to see who wins and to be honest I'm not that mad if Ellie or fiore win I just hope Miriam wins.

I can't believe I'm saying this but I kinda hope Tom and Jake don't get back together like I want them to talk this episode but they need to talk and be better at communicating I think Miriam will talk to Tom about Jake.

Elimination order theories

14th: will

13th: drew (cannon)

12th: nick (cannon)

11/10th: lill and Ashley (cannon)

9th: Dan (cannon)


8th: Gabby (cannon)

7th: Gertt (Cannon)

6th: Tom (cannon)

5th: Jake (cannon)

4th: Alec (cannon)

3rd/2nd: fiore and Ellie

Winner/1st: Miriam

All stars theories

Here is the information that we have so far

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Here is the information that we have so far

So who I think is going to be in all stars

Season 1: Tom, Jake, gabby, Ellie, Grett, Ashley, Alec, fiore, Dan

Season 2: ally, Tess, Hunter, lake, aiden, James, Yul, riya, Karol

Team 1: James, Jake, ally, Ashley, dan, lake, yul, Grett, ellie

Team 2: Aiden, Tom, alec, riya, Tess, Hunter, gabby, fiore, Karol

(Pls don't let it be like villains vs hero or I will cry)

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