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Happy Valentine's Day💘

Okay so I'm going to do a thing where this what ships on Valentine's Day do

Ships: jaiden/James x Aiden. Tom x Jake. ally x hunter x Tess. Gaby x Eli

Tom x Jake

They go to the movie and afterwords go on a picnic or go on a double date with gaby and Eli or James and Aiden.

James x Aiden

They just have a relaxing day in or go on a romantic date or double date with Tom and Jake or ally, Tess and hunter.

Ally x hunter x Tess

They would all give each other chocolate and they would be with each other like glue that day or go on a double date with James and Aiden.

Eli x gaby

They would just be around each other and hang out with each other and I think gaby said I love you for the first time on valentine's or have a double date with Tom and Jake.

If you want me to make a full blown story on one of the ship double date or the other one then let me know

Words: 190

James x Aiden one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now