Not mad anymore

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Be warned this is angst
⚠️episode 11 spoilers⚠️
Ship: Aiden x James

This takes place the night after the 11th challenge

Aiden POV

I can't believe it james used me I shouldn't have ever even join this in the first place then none of this would have happened I just need to remember something that no matter what in this game is only for this game. Friendships don't last relationships barely ever last in this game it's a miracle that Jake and Tom lasted. I should have listened to my worries instead of lake then I wouldn't feel so much pain he even knows that I'm trans why do I even try no matter what even if James doesn't win the riya probably will. it's a 3 vs finally but maybe I could ask Krystal if it could be a two vs finally riya vs James there is no way I can win anyways and I don't want to stay here so let me go find Krystal.

Time skip to him going to the tent

Still Aiden POV
I walked into the tent expecting to see Krystal but there I see hunter on his phone Aiden: "hey hunter your still here also do you know where Krystal is". Hunter: "yeah Marcus still hasn't come and not at the moment" I then had an idea Aiden: "hunter you still want to be in the game right" hunter looked confused hunter: "yeah of course I do". Aiden: "then let's tell Marcus I got out and you got immunity". Hunter looked shocked and disbelief hunter: "are you saying that you are willing to take my place" Aiden: "listen out of everyone here I knew I would lose unless James and I were an alliance but know we aren't and I don't want riya or James to win but I can't and you can". Hunter: "Aiden as much as I want to stay in the game you don't look happy at all and your eyes are puffy have you been crying". I didn't think hunter would pay that much attention Aiden: "... UGH YES JAMES WAS ONE OF MY CLOSEST FRIENDS IN MY LIFE HE EVEN KNOWS IM TRANS I WAS PLANNING ON TELLING HIM I LIKED HIM ROMANTICALLY AFTER THE CHALLENGE TODAY". Great know hunter knows I'm trans this day can't get any wor- then someone cut me out of my thoughts James: " you like me Aiden". hunter: "I'm just going to go to the bus stop know" Aiden: "wait hunter Marcus might come and I still want to do that plan". James: "please don't just let me explain please" hunter ran off Aiden: "what is there to explain you used me to gain more fans" I was about to walk off but then james grabbed me and kissed me. James: "listen Aiden I know what I did was wrong and I really shouldn't have done that but I like you too just let me explain and you don't have to forgive me if you don't want to but just so you know I will keep on trying to make you forgive me". Aiden: "fine let's go back to the cabin and explain".

Time skip to after they get to the cabin and James explains

Still Aiden POV

James: "I know it's no excuse for what I did but I want you to at least know that I'm really sorry and I'll keep on trying to make things better". Aiden: "I can't forgive you immediately and I don't know if I can ever trust you like I did before but I not mad at you and yes I still do have a crush on you it will time if I do ever consider to date you". James: "I understand but I promise I will do what ever it takes to make you forgive me".

This is how I kinda want to make Aiden get along better with James but I wouldn't mind if they started to date next episode but this is a good way for me if they went this route with James and Aiden.

Words: 684

James x Aiden one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now