Chinese date

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Okay so I usually do draw Jake in the outfit but I don't have my sketchbook right now and don't feel like drawing so I'm just going to show you what he is wearing I'm usually going to be doing this though. Also this one is going to be a lot longer then most of the other stories because I really like this ship.

Type: fluff

Ship: Tom x Jake

Summary: After the program Tom and Jake go to the Chinese place for there first date Tom talked about before the date Mike and Ben came over and helped get him ready for the date.

Jake POV

I was very nervous me and Tom agreed that are first date was today all the sudden I heard a knock I'm guessing it was Ben sense he was taking me there because me and tom agreed to meet at the Chinese place in 2 hours and Tom was going to take me home. I opened the door and saw Mike and Ben Jake: "oh hey you guys come in" Mike: "we are going to pick an outfit for you and help you get ready". Ben: "correction Mike is I'm not I'm only here to make sure he doesn't go all out and so we don't waste that much gas". Mike punched Ben's arm Mike: "anyways come on let's get you dressed" Jake: "well we aren't going anywhere fancy so it shouldn't be fancy". Mike: "well it's still a first date so how about a little fancy like a casual skirt" Jake: "okay I guess how about this one" I put on the outfit.

Mike: "yeah you look great in it" Jake: "thank you" we walked out Ben: "hey you look good Jake" Jake: "thank you" Mike: "well sense the date still a little while away can I paint your nails dark blue" Jake: "yeah sure sounds fun"

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Mike: "yeah you look great in it" Jake: "thank you" we walked out Ben: "hey you look good Jake" Jake: "thank you" Mike: "well sense the date still a little while away can I paint your nails dark blue" Jake: "yeah sure sounds fun".

Time skip

Still Jake's POV

I just got to to the Chinese restaurant and before getting out of the car I texted Tom.

💙🫐Jake🫐💙 and Tom🥰🖤 private chat

💙🫐Jake🫐💙: hey I'm here

Tom🥰🖤: okay I'm almost there I'm 2 minutes away

💙🫐Jake🫐💙: okay see you soon❤️

Back to Jake's POV

I put my phone in my jacket pocket and got out of the car Ben: "hey Jake Mike probably going to call you and ask how it was" Jake: "yeah I know thanks for the ride and not being mad that I'm going on a date with a guy you hate". Ben: "don't worry Tom seems to be cool know plus he seems to be make you really happy it seems like he changed". Jake: "yeah talk to you later" Ben: "I'll talk to you later" I walked to the front of the restaurant Saw a car pull up and Tom got out.

(this is what Tom wearing)

(this is what Tom wearing)

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(He is wearing his mask)


I walked over too Jake and hugged him Tom: "hey you look great" Jake: "thank you you look great too" Tom: "now come on you will love this place" we walked in and the person at the front hostess: "hello how many people". Tom: "two" hostess: "okay please follow me" we got the seats and she gave us are menus hostess: "your waiter will be with you soon". Jake: "thank you" Tom: "so what do you usually get from Chinese take out" Jake: "usually just spring rolls and noodles". Tom: "oh the spring rolls are amazing I usually get the dumplings" Waiter: "hello do you know what you would like to drink". Tom: "could I get a Dr Pepper" Jake: "could I get a water" Waiter: "do you guys know what you want or are you guys ready". After they order Tom: "did Ben and Mike try and talk you out of going on a date with me" Jake: "haha no they were actually okay with it Mike helped me with the outfit". Tom: "wow haha well that's good" Jake: "yeah also I know you said you'd pay for the meal but we could at least split it". Tom: "nope I'm paying for it" Jake: "okay well I could at least pay for the tip" Tom: "nope this was my idea and I want to pay for it" I grabbed Jake's hand Jake: "haha okay fine thank you".

Time skip to after they ate and paid.

Still Tom POV

Jake: "this was fun thank you for the day" Tom: "yeah of course I'm glad you enjoyed it" I opened my car door for Jake Jake: "oh thank you" Tom: "no problem" we started driving talking and laughing. We made it to Jake's apartment and started to walk to his door Jake: "thank you for walking me to the door" Tom: "yeah of course". Jake pulled down my mask and kissed me Jake: "talk to you later" Tom: "yep talk to you later".

Hope you guys liked the story

Words: 820

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