We will talk later part 1

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Sorry for not posting one-shots in while I just had no idea but episode 6 made me want to write about Jake and Tom. This one is a lot longer then the rest of them so just be prepared for that. Also, I really want an ally and Jake friendship so there is going to be some focus on them.

Ship: Tom x Jake

Type: angst than fluff (no fluff in this chapter)

Summary: Jake and ally were talking and Jake mentioned that he is starting to move on from Tom. Tom over hears that and tries to talk to Jake but Jake threw. We will talk later back at his face and when Jake talks. Ashley comes and Jake leaves and Ashley talks to Tom in the end.

This takes place the morning after episode 6


I just woke up and decided to look for fire wood than I heard someone talking. I looked over and saw Jake and ally with fishing gear. I immediately hid to not be seen. Ally: "are you sure Ashley fine with me going fishing with you instead of her". Jake: "yeah I already asked her plus I think you need someone to talk about your relationship with Hunter". Ally: "yeah I do but, I think you also need someone to talk about Tom".

Me is this about the kiss oh I know I shouldn't have kissed Aiden. Jake: "actually I know it probably seems like that but seeing him and Aiden kiss and, that song I think it helped me a lot". Ally: "what how?" Jake: "I realized that I've been chasing Tom this entire time and always 'we'll talk later' and, the song helped me realize that. I was just hurting myself I'll try to talk to him and get full closure but if he doesn't want to I'm not going to try and force him". What I need to talk to him I need to clear thing. Next thing I know I can't control my body and I grabbed Jake's wrist.

Jake POV

Me and Ally were talking about Tom and Hunter when, I felt someone grab on too my wrist. Jake: "uh hey Tom what's up" it seemed like Tom was very frazzled by something Tom: "Me and Aiden kiss was only for the performance". Well that's news but, this is uncomfortable why did he just abruptly say that. I think ally could tell I was uncomfortable so she made an excuse for why we had to leave.

Ally: "um cool let's go Jake Fiore going to mad if we don't hurry up and get the fish". I just nod but I felt Tom's grip tighten on my wrist. Tom: "wait Jake I need to talk with you". Jake: "okay we will talk later but ally's right we need to go get breakfast so please let me go". He looked at me dumbfounded what was so confusing.

I just told him what he said to me the only difference is that I will actually follow through with my words. Tom: "but didn't you just say that you still want to talk to me about everything that's happened to us and work things out".


Jake looked angry Jake: "okay first you were eavesdropping like that was a private conversation. And, I know that's stupid because we're on live tv but for now we wanted it to private. Second, I never said I wanted to talk about everything thing and work it out. I said that I wanted closure. Right now isn't a good time Tom so we will talk later". Jake just threw my hand off his wrist and grabbed ally and left.

Jake POV

Me and ally got in the boat and I was just trying to calm myself down. Ally: "you sure you're okay things seemed like it was going to start an argument". Jake: "yeah I know I'm sorry you had to see that but, do you mind bringing the fish back too the camp because I don't want this drama to affect ours or Tom team". Ally: "yeah you're right the villain alliance is soon going to be strong to defeat. We need yellow team to lose again so don't worry I'll bring the fish back".

Time skip

Ally grabbed the fish bucket and wished me luck with Tom. When I got to teal teams camp, I heard yelling I looked over and saw Tom arguing with Ellie. Ellie: "why are you so mad about that you should be happy that you got him off your back". Tom: "I didn't want that I just needed time". Ellie: "2 years I think that's more than enough time Tom just admit it you're mad that Jake is getting happier without you". What am I doing I got mad at Tom for eavesdropping even if, I was just waiting so I could talk to Tom.

I should leave and come back another time. While I was trying to leave I heard someone yell Gabby: "HELLO JAKE what are you doing here". Both Tom and Ellie looked at me surprised. Jake: "hey gabby I told Tom that we would talk to him but, I don't want to interrupt anything so I'll just go back to my camp". Tom: "NO I mean you're not interrupting anything let's talk now".


Me and Jake went to the lake and we went sat at the dock. Tom: "Jake I'm sorry I've been ignoring you an-". I got cut off by a scream from a certain cowgirl. Ashley: "JAKE Fiore came running back to the camp and yul is screaming at her. Me and ally can't get him to leave can you." Tom: "actually we are bu-" Jake: "yeah I'll drag him out if I need to Tom we will talk later". Tom: "but you said we would talk" Jake: "Yeah and we will but when neither of is busy we will okay".

Jake ran off but Ashley stayed back and looked at me angrily. Ashley: "what is wrong with you" Tom: "excuse me". Ashley: "Jake is finally moving on but that's when you decide to talk to him that's a very weird coincidence isn't it". Tom: "it's none of your business" Ashley: "it is when Jake my friend was hurt bad by you and, he finally let's go but than you come try and ruin it".

This is already too long so that's why it's longer because I started this the day after episode 6 came out.

Words: 1091

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