Episode 6😭

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⚠️spoilers⚠️ I just got to talk about this episoded

bro I'm literally about to cry this episoded was just heartbreaking the Tom and Jake fight got me messed up.

Also Jake not wanting to date someone at the time was surprising.

I don't think gertt and Ellie are out I don't know what going on but like they aren't out because of two reasons first they didn't shout out the people and the note that Oliver gave them so either one is out or both are in.

Also I do think that Jake and Tom will make up but idk when because them fighting was really expected because of gertt knowing about Tom and Tom not telling Jake.

I don't know what to feel about the fight because on one hand Jake had a right to be mad at him for not telling him and there is a chance if Tom didn't actually like Jake he would be using him and he might have planned to until he got to know him and Tom did vote drew and made Jake believe it was Dan but on the other hand Jake had no reason other then being lied to Tom was using him because Tom had been very nice to him and always tried to cheer him up and Tom was always making sure he was okay.

Also we got a gabbellie kiss yipe that was super cute

Also the voting I kinda expected that Tom would vote for gertt because she was the one who told Jake.

That's all I have if you guys want to talk about how you felt about the episoded then I can't wait to hear how you guys feel

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