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Idea by aiden_istrans I know that I haven't done this ship in a while I'm sorry about it but I'm doing one now.

Ship: jaiden/ James x Aiden

Summary: there were a thunderstorm while on a trip to Spain Aiden got scared and James was able to comfort him and calm him down.

Aiden POV

Me and James were walking around Spain visiting places and James looked up and then checked his phone James: "Aiden I think we should go back to the hotel" Aiden: "huh what why". James: "uh my feet are just hurting come on let's go" Aiden: "okay let's go" he just grabbed my hand and we stared to go back and I looked at the clouds and saw that they were gray and puffy. I started shack and James noticed James: "Aiden it's okay I'm here let's go back to the hotel okay". He held my hand tighter and we picked started to run faster we made it to the hotel and back to the room.

James POV

We made it back to the room me and Aiden sat down James: "are you okay" Aiden: "yeah I'm doing okay" then a thunder noise and he jumped James: "how about we just watch some tv and hang out" Aiden: "yeah okay thank you". Aiden kissed me and put his head on my shoulder James: "no problem let's just watch some and cuddle okay" Aiden: "yeah that sounds good I love you" James: "I love you too". While watching some tv Aiden fell asleep so I turned off the tv and laid down with him.

Sorry this was kind short but I hope you guys like it

Words: 281

James x Aiden one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now