Episode 7 theories

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Okay idk what to expect this episoded

Okay before saying this remember Jake is my favorite character and I love him Is Jake going to act toxic this episoded

I don't think this episoded will have an elimination but if there is Dan

Ellie and gertt are going to read the paper it's probably about one of them or both going back into the game

I think gabby are going to be mad when she sees Ellie is eliminated

I don't think Tom and Jake are going to get into a fight but it could be like just angry to even talk to each other

Idk if Jake is going to be toxic but let me just say Tom has to tell him directly that he is not using Jake because even if he tries to be nice to him Jake will no matter what think Tom is using because of his past relationship and Tom avoiding the question about if he was just using Jake really messed with his head

I think we are going to get more of friendship of Dan and Miriam

Also looks like gabby is mad at some one my guess is Alec and florie but if it was some one on her team then Dan, Jake or Tom idk who though

Sorry about most of this being about Jake and Tom I'm just scared

Elimination order theory

15th: will cannon not the number though idk I'm pretty sure only one is coming back

14th:drew cannon

13th:nick cannon

12/11th:Ashley and lill cannon

10/9th: Ellie and gertt

Ellie comes back

8th: Dan

7th: Miriam

6th: Ellie

5th: alec

4th/3rd: Jake and florie

2nd: Tom

1st: gabby

I just really like Tom and gabby being finalists I'm still trying not to be bias but seeing how I think Ellie being brought back I don't like the idea of her going really far sense she was brought back but I'll probably talk about episoded 7 when it comes out see ya

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