We will talk later part 2 read the warning

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Hey sorry I got really busy with test and after I was finally not I got sick I'm so sorry. But this is just a way of my version of the last two episodes but also before the last two episodes, because I want to keep the eliminated characters in the story.
⚠️WARNING: relapse on self harm⚠️

Ship: Tom x Jake/ jam / TomJake

Type: angst than fluff


I was going to magenta teams camp and saw fiore sitting on one of the logs looking annoyed. Tom: "Fiore where is Jake". Fiore: "that is none of your business. Ashley already told me and ally what you're doing. I may not like twink boy but it's also know it's not right what you're doing". Are you kidding me of course Ashley told ally and fiore not to let me see jake. I saw jake walking back with Ashley and ally.

Jake POV

Me, ash, and ally were going on a walk and just got back when I heard. Tom: "Jake hey can we talk now". Ash and ally looked annoyed Jake: "yeah okay w-" I was about to to walk off with Tom, but then Ally grabbed my arm and said. Ally: "wait only you can cook very well. I know it's not that hard but when you tried to teach me I almost burnt my hand." Jake: "oh well do you mind if we talk later Tom".


Tom: "well could I like wait here until you finish cooking". Everybody but Jake looked annoyed at me. Jake just looked at me and nodded. Jake: "would you like to sit down". I smiled and sat ash: "okay well how about we leave so you two can talk". Ashley looked at me angry and walked off with ally and fiore. Jake: "so why did you ignore me for 2 years" Tom: "okay starting off strong it was stupid but I was scared of getting hurt and I'm sorry". Jake: "you know I really love you but you hurt me a lot I even". Jake looked like he was about to cry. Jake: "you made me feel so worthless that I relapsed on my self harm". I was shocked I would have never guessed that happened. Tom: "Jake I'm so sorry I should have talk to you I'm so so sorry". Jake: "it's okay I'm just being dramatic it wasn't just you that made me feel worthless it was my actions. The words that Ellie said to me, it was just icing on the cake that you ghosted me."

Jake POV

It was an awkward silence until I heard Tom ask Tom: "I know it's personal but when did you start again". Jake: "like 3 months after season 1 oh jeez. I'm saying this on tv Miriam and drew don't know I relapsed I'm so stupid". Tom: "do you still self harm" Jake: "not as much Dan found out and he's helped me a lot. If it wasn't for him I probably wouldn't be here now. I really have a lot to thank him for."


I look at Jake this is a lot to process Tom: "yeah I'm sorry you had to go through all that. I have to thank Dan too so I can still talk to you and your beautiful face". He looked at me his face was a little red and looked back down at the fish. Jake: "I don't think it's a good idea for us to date". My heart broke I was about to say something. Jake: "at least not for a while and we should be friends for a while and, talk outside of the game and, if we ever decide to date we are going to take it slow okay".

Sorry again that I have had to like a month of not posting the second part.

Words: 645

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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