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Ships:James x Aiden/jaiden

This idea came to me and I'm pretty sure James is getting out next episode or the 11th so got to make this before I'm sad.

Aiden POV

I'm was still snowing at 7:00pm and I just got out of the shower and was super cold I was just under the covers shivering then I heard a voice James: "hey Aiden you okay" Aiden: "yeah just still super cold". James: "yeah I can see why" James chuckled and so did I then I felt James grab my blanket and pull it over all of me except my face. James: "is that any better" Aiden: "a little thanks" me and James talked until like 9:00pm when it was freezing 27 degrees is what James phone said. I could tell he was cold James: "I'm going to try and sleep".

James POV

It was absolutely freezing right now and I was shivering it was really cold and I just wanted to try and sleep the cold away.

Time skip

At like 10:45 I still couldn't fall asleep and know it's even colder then I heard Aiden: "hey James are you asleep yet" Aiden quietly whispered James: "why are whispering". Aiden: "in case you were asleep" James: "well what's up" Aiden: "it's way to cold to sleep my entire body feels like it's ice" James: "yeah it definitely is". I jumped down and grabbed my blanket to put on my legs Aiden look like he thought of something but didn't say anything. James: "Aiden do you have an idea to keep warm" I look at him and he mumbled something James: "Aiden please I'm freezing just tell me". Aiden: "well two warm bloods together in the cold can cuddle up to each other to keep warm" James: "oh is this an excuse to cuddle me".

Aiden POV

Aiden: "NO just forget it, it was a stupid idea" ugh I'm so red right know James: "no no I like it" James smirked at me and grabbed my hand and pulled me into his chest. Well this is making me warmer so might as well stay warm I'm still very red but I can blame the cold on that it was a very nice night even better the when it thundered.

Authors note: I'm going to start making episode prediction/theory's so yeah when the trailer or when it says it going to come out/premier I'll be making my predictions.

words: 414

James x Aiden one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now