Ep 9 Theories

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Okay it hasn't came out yet but I want to say I told you so if there is something I predict it is 1/25 so the day before

The trans person which is either Aiden or James which is obvious Aiden but why I bring this up Aiden is going to either be outed by Krystal or come out to someone in this episode.

Oliver might form an alliance with Aiden not so sure about James but probably Aiden and new alliance or people who won't vote together but won't for each other like lake and Aiden.

If Oliver is coming into the game which I think he will he probably doesn't like Karol.

James being confirmed to like Aiden and Aiden is basically already confirmed.

The person being eliminated well it comes down to James, Oliver, Rosa Maria, ally, Riya because Aiden and hunter seem to be main characters and Karol is most likely going to be the main antagonist James is either out or getting the second most votes and same goes for ally or riya.

If James is the one voted out then Aiden and James get together or Aiden makes it to the finale and they get together then.

If ally the one who is voted out I think hunter might either choose her or Tess in this episode or they talk about having a poly relationship.

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