Disventure camp season 1 remake trailer

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So I had to talk about this but right now I'm working on heartstopper so they're won't be a new story coming right now but I wanted to talk about this.

The animation is so fluid you can see little movement I hope it wasn't only for the trailer.

So let's talk about Nick and lil like Nick failing to make a fire and lil doing it so easy is funny.

Tom looking out for danger and him bumping into Jake and Jake immediately blushing what I think is going to happen with that story I will love.

Okay new character drew is he just like us is he a fan boy but in all serious I just have a feeling he's going to have an alliance with Tom or Jake or both but I could be wrong.

Miriam is just being her grumpy self but instead of her hitting Jake with a oar she is hitting Dan speaking of dan I know they said they're is going to be a different elimination order but I think dan is still going to be the first one out or an early boot.

It's cute that gabby hugged Eli but Gertt why did you pull her away I think this time gabby will make it further and gertt will worry more about gabby and Eli then Tom and Jake in this.

Alec is being so nice to florie I expect that florie is going to either wanted him out immediately or wants him to stay to insure her safety.

Ashley trying to help will with his fear of water is so sweet and will seems to be grateful.

They are walking to the elimination ceremony before you guys say anything remember they're is no connection to this right guys.

Gertt why do you have to do this also I would like to mention that Eli and gabby could be the main relationship but it could also be like disventure camp season 2 where the Tess and hunter where at the end but James and Aiden where the main relationship.

The host Derek just does not look pleased about Trevor touching him he just like let go of me or that arm comes off.

Here's how I think elimination will go right now the first three are the same as the original but that's because I don't know who would take there place.

1st out: Dan

2nd out: will

3rd: Ashley

4th: Nick

5th out: lill

6th: drew

7th: this one is idk who to put but maybe Gertt


8th: alec

9th: Miriam

10th: tom or jake because I idk which one would get eliminated.

11th: Eli

12th: tom or jake because again I idk which one would get eliminated.

Runner- up: florie

Winner: gabby

This will probably change when the first episode comes out.

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