Wished you were gay part 2

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So I know it's only later today but I don't know what else to do
Ship: James x Aiden
Type angst then fluff

James feels guilty about what he did to Aiden and Aiden is ignoring James so he won't get rejected. James realized it and now is trying to talk to Aiden that he feels the same.

James POV

I'm such a idiot how could I not realize that Aiden had a crush on me I need to find him I'm sure I made him feel worse after like 30 minutes of walking I saw Aiden and he just walked past me not even pay attention. James: "wait Aiden please let me just explain" Aiden just ran off after the 3rd time finding him. He still ran off so then I found him again I just grabbed his arm and Aiden still didn't say anything. James: "listen Aiden I know what I did was wrong but please I'm very sorry and just let me talk to you please". Aiden: "okay I'll let you explain" we sat down after expecting James: "I know that it's still messed up what I did but I want to tell you something". Aiden: "what is it"  James: "what you said about it was wrong" Aiden: "what was I wrong about". James: "I'm not straight well I'm not gay but I'm not straight either" Aiden: "so you are bi or pan?" James: "I'm bi and I prefer guys but I'm not straight and I do like you". Aiden: "are you just trying to make forgive you because of your fans". James: "no I promise I actually like you and if you want I can delete all the pictures of you and me". Aiden: "it's fine if you want to keep them just take them off social media also would you like to maybe go on a date after the game and still go on that trip we talked about". I look at him and just kissed him and Aiden kissed back after a few seconds after we parted lips we looked at each other and just started laughing.

Okay I know this is a lot shorter but I wrote the story and realized I could have done it one story I just thought this would be a lot longer then what it actually was.
Words: 392

James x Aiden one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now