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Okay so this is how I'm going to be doing it

Ship: Tom x Jake
Ship mentioned: Eli x gabby


Jake has been on the phone all day talking to someone and when I ask how his talking to he says Jake: "I'll tell you when we confirm this" like why is on the phone with someone. Then I heard him leaving are room Tom: "so who were you talking to" Jake: "you'll see soon" then I heard someone text him and he giggled. Who is he talking to and why is he not telling me what there even talking about I don't know why but I just yelled.

Jake POV

I was on the phone with gabby and we were planning a surprise double date I've forgiven Eli do I trust her no but me and gabby are friends so I have to be around Eli. Also Tom seems mad at me I know he doesn't like me keeping secrets but this is a surprise date so I have to keep this a secret gabby texted me that she used her other personality to confuse her. Tom: "JAKE WHY ARE YOU NOT TELLING ME WHO YOUR TALKING TO" I jumped Tom never raised his voice like that Jake: "t-Tom it's nothing to worry about you don't need to get mad. Tom: "okay then who are you texting" Jake: "it's gabby I'm just talking to gabby" I showed my phone to Tom and looked a lot calmer. Tom: "okay then why were you hiding it" Jake: "we were planning a surprise double date" Tom: "oh sorry I ruined the surprise". Jake: "no no you were just jealous it's okay Tom: "yeah I guess I was" Tom grabbed my waist and kissed me.

Words: 297

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