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I don't like fireworks because of how loud they are so I'm not doing anything for this holiday. Also I headcannon Jake not liking loud noise because his parents didn't support him, and always shouted at him. When he mentioned anything about liking a boy so at one point he starts shaking if it gets too loud for a long period of time and fireworks are way to loud for him. I also didn't know what to do for this so just so you know Tom is going to be flirty.

Type: fluff

Ship: Tom x Jake

Summary: Trevor decided to get fireworks for the campers and while they were setting them off. Jake gets scared and quietly leaves Tom notices and talks to him about it and something else happens.


Right before everyone was getting ready for bed an announcement came on Trevor: "hello everyone please meet me at the docks". Everybody looked confused then I said Tom: "does anyone know what this is about" Dan: "well it is July 4th so probably something to do with that".

Jake POV

When I heard Dan say that I tensed up oh I totally forgot about that sure fireworks are really pretty but there way to loud. I hate loud noises Tom: "well let's get going everyone" when we got there we saw Trevor with a bunch of fireworks Trevor: "sense I'm so nice I'm going to let you guys do fireworks here is a lighter".


Oh that's actually nice everyone started to grab a fireworks 4 people started to already light there fireworks.

Time skip to an hour later

Jake POV

It's getting to loud anyways everyone is having fun so they won't notice if I leave I started to walk away I don't want to ruin anyone's mood by shaking and being anxious so it's better if I just leave. I just watched the fireworks they where nice just to loud I don't like how I'm like this but I just am.


While drew was setting off a fireworks I saw that Jake wasn't there Tom: "hey Dan I'm going to go find Jake" Dan: "he's not here do you want some help" Tom: "no I'll go find him talk to you later". While I was walking I saw Jake just looking up and seemed like he was shaking Tom: "Jake why are you shaking" Jake: "nothing just don't like loud noises". Tom: "oh okay well I'll stay with you" Jake: "are you sure I'm okay" Tom: "no I like hanging out with you". Jake: "thank you"  we talked for a while why we look at the fireworks Jake: "hey Tom thank you for being so nice to me". Tom: "of course you are nice and treat people how they treat me" Jake just looked at me and smiled. Jake: "I just try and treat people nice and not hold grudges for a long time" Tom: "wow I could never not hold grudges for a long per-". Suddenly I felt lips on my mask Jake stoped and looked at me Jake: "I'm sorry I don't no what got into me". I looked at him and just looked away Tom: "haha are you embarrassed" Jake: "I'm sorry" Tom: "why are you apologizing". Jake: "because I just kissed you" Tom: "did I say I didn't like it" Jake just looked at me blushing. Tom: "what you not going to kiss me just look at me" Jake: "I didn't take you for a flirt" Tom: "if you going to kiss me again I'll stop". Jake looked at me I could tell he was super red and kissed me again.

I tried to end it quickly because it is literally 11:51 pm so had to do this quickly
Words: 634

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