The mute kid

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Okay I am still working on the other book but I still want to do this book but thinking about heartstopper I hade the idea so it's kinda similar to Charlie position but differently.
Ship: main ship Tom x Jake but James x Aiden is in this to
Type: fluff
Au: high school
Wearing there is homophobia in this book

Tom was popular for his athletic ability and very nice while Jake was an outcast and bullied for being gay so one day Jake just stop talking to the point people started making rumors that he had an accident and became mute. Tom felt bad for Jake and started to talk to him See the rest for yourself.


While I was walking in the hall with some of my friends one of them that name is Steven said Steven: "hey look it's that gay mute guy" I looked and saw a guy with dark blue hair guy look up from his book at Steven and just look back down. Tom: "let's just go guys" when all of them we're leaving I looked at this guy and said. Tom: "I'm sorry about them have a nice day" he looked up for a second and nodded then looked back at his book.

Time skip to the end of the day

Still Tom POV

When I started walking home I saw that same dark blue hair guy again Tom: "hey you walking this way" he looked up at me and nodded Tom: "I'm sorry again about Steven I'm Tom". the guy just looked at me and then just took his school ID Jake Tom: "your that guy that got into an accident and became mute". He just looked at me it seemed like he was thinking for a second before he just nodded. Tom: "well Jake just so you know I'm not homophobic so I won't make fun of you just because your gay and I would like to be friends" I smiled at him he looked at me in surprise and then just smiled at me and nodded. Tom: "you should smile more it suits you" Then Jake stop and pointed to a house and started walking there waving bye at me.

Jake POV

I went to my room right after school and called my friend Aiden when he picked up I said immediately Jake: "Aiden I meet such a nice boy today he isn't homophobic he nice and really handsome". Aiden: "does he know your not mute or have you not talk to him at all" Jake: "well even though he is nice he is a popular and an athlete". Aiden: "oh okay then how about this I tell how ever it is what your saying sense we both know sign language so you don't have to talk and I can make sure you don't get hurt". Jake: "okay thanks you" Aiden: "I'm glad you told me that your not mute I feel honored that I was the first and at the moment only person that knows". Jake: "okay we'll talk to you later" Aiden: "love you in the most platonic way outcast bestie" Jake: "I love you in the most platonic way too outcast bestie".

The next day

Still Jake POV

Me and Aiden were walking together Tom: "hey Jake oh hello there I'm Tom" Aiden: "hi I'm Aiden I'm Jake best friend I had to help some guy yesterday with there homework so I didn't walk with him but today I will". Tom: "well this is my best friend introduced yourself" James: "yeah I'm James I also would have walked with Tom but I got sick yesterday". Steven: "Tom James let's go" I did a sign language to Aiden: "Jake says that he hopes you two have a nice day". They both turned there heads so fast Aiden: "I know sign language that's how me and Jake became friends that and we are both outcast". Tom: "okay well have a nice day see you guys after school" we all left each other Aiden: "you didn't say that it was Tom the best friend of my crush". I say in sign language that we will talk later Aiden: "okay I'll come over to your house after school then" I nod and smile.

Time skip to after school

Still Jake POV

After school we waited for the two to come out Tom: "hey let's go" we talked why Aiden talked for me I know I shouldn't be just acting like I'm mute but I just hated all the insults. So I stoped giving them a response and didn't have any friends at the time so I just didn't talk and kids hated that so they started thinking I was mute but still didn't respond. Aiden joined 3 months later and became an outcast and learned sign language so he could understand what I say after a while I talked to him. He was surprised but not mad that was when I was when I was 13 now we are 16 and I'm still keeping up that lie. Aiden: "this is Jake's house and I'm staying over so we will see you later" James: "okay it was nice to meet you I'll see you around tomorrow". We walked into the house and as soon as I closed the door Aiden: "James was so nice and Tom seems friendly" Jake: "yeah James does seem nice but also Aiden I'm thinking about talking to them". Aiden: "well I still would wait for a month or a few" Jake: "yeah thanks I really appreciate it"

Time skip to a few months because as much as I love Tom x Jake I don't want to spend even more then I have already have on this chapter.

Still Jake POV

I talked to my parents and they said that they would be out of town for this week so I asked them if Aiden and two other friends could come over and they said it was fine I asked Aiden if he could come over 2 hours to set up everything. When Aiden got there I pulled him in Jake: "okay I did call you over to set everything up but I want to tell them that I can talk"Aiden: "okay then let's go set everything up".

Time skip when Tom and James got there

Still Jake POV

I was really nervous but still wanted to tell them I heard a knock on the door Aiden opened the door Tom: "hey Jake" I looked at him and breathed I smiled Jake: "welcome to my house make your self feel at home". They both looked dumbfounded James: "what am I hallucinating or did Jake just talk". Jake: "here let me explain what is going on" after Jake explained Tom: "I'm sorry that happened to you and I'm sorry you felt force to act mute". I looked at him and smiled James: "come on let's watch the movie".

3rd person

When they were watching the movie Jake fell asleep and his head on Tom's shoulder Aiden: "I'm sorry here let me grab Jak-" Tom: "no no it's fine" Aiden: "I'm sorry but um I have a question" Tom: "yeah what's up". Aiden: "do you like Jake you" Tom: "yeah I'm guessing it's obvious" Aiden took a second to talk but then replied. Aiden: "yeah but not as obvious as Jake crush on you" James: "yeah you guys are so oblivious and you are also obvious Aiden". Aiden: "uh what do you mean" James: "the way you look at me and they wa-" Tom: "I don't want to watch you guys flirt or kiss so where is Jake room Aiden". Aiden was really red Aiden: "yeah uh there is a sign saying Jake room just go down that hall".


I grabbed Jake and carried him to his room and open his door I placed him on his bed I was about to walk back and stop James and Aiden make out session but then Jake grabbed my hand Jake: "stay I'm guessing James and Aiden are making out and I don't want to want to stop Aiden he has had a crush on James for like 2 years". Tom: "hey Jake Aiden and James said that you like me is that true" Jake sat up and looked at me. Jake: "yeah I do I'm guessing you want to only be friends I'm use to it know" Tom: "no I would actually like to be your boyfriend" Jake: "really I'd like that". I kissed Jake Jake: "come on I'm tired and I wanna cuddle" Jake grabbed me and we started to cuddle and Jake fell asleep immediately.

Words: 1454

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