Movie and Cuddling

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Aiden POV

I was just waiting for James to came back from the shower I was very nervous because Jake finally convinced me to try and make a move and at least hold his hand. I was so nervous I'd love to do that and I was about to watch movie with him so it will be the perfect time to do it I picked a romantic movie because Jake told me to and I'll listen to him. He said it was also a comedy movie so it would also be funny and while I was in my head and then someone yelled
James: "BOO" Aiden: "AHH oh my gosh James come an or I'll start the movie without you" James just sat down rolling his eyes James: "okay okay" I just started the movie.

Time skip

The movie was almost half way through it and the boy was about to confess to the girl so I put my finger into his and my anxiety shoot as I saw James look at me with wide eyes. I looked away and moved my hand away but looked back at the movie until I felt my hand get grabbed James was now holding my hand and I was so happy me and James were now holding hands it felt so nice James let go of my hand put it on my waist what should I do put my head on his shoulder. After a little bit of contemplating I put my head on his shoulder. His other hand started to play with my hair. I have never felt more calm and relaxed in my life. Then I heard the end credits did I really contemplate that long. I didn't want James to leave so I asked him Aiden: "would you like to watch another movie" James: "yeah sure I'd like that" I started a horror movie on purpose so I could act like I cuddle him more is because I'm scared. Witch I probably would get scared but I wouldn't cuddle anyone because I am scared.

Time skip

A jump scare came witch I jumped to and I took this opportunity to grab his arm on his other side and hugged him my head was still on his shoulder James: "are you okay" Aiden: "I'm okay but can I stay like this" James: "yeah okay" James hugged me too and used one hand to play with my hair. When the movie stopped James asked me James: "do you mind if we stay like this for tonight" Aiden: "I'd like that a lot" we just lay down in same position until James grabbed me and put me on his chest this is very nice.

Words: 452

James x Aiden one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now