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Ship:Tom x Jake

Tom's POV

I just got home from a mission and heard Jake doing something in the kitchen Tom: "hey I'm home" Jake: "welcome home how was the mission". Tom: "it was good" I took of my mask and gloves off and put them on the couch Tom: "so what are you doing" Jake: "making a recipe that Mariam gave me". Tom: "well it smells delicious" I put my arms around Jake and put my chin and his head Jake: "you know your not a monster without your mask on" Jake smiled at me. Tom: "thank you your one off the first person to even think that" Jake: "well I don't know why that is you look very hot without it".

Jake POV

AHHH why did I just say that I just put my head down embarrassed Tom: "oh do I know" I could hear in his tone that he was very smug. Jake: "forget it don't worry about it hehe" I nervously giggled Tom: "why would forget how you called me hot" Tom was smirking and just talking very smugly. Jake: "I call you hot once and this is how you react" Tom: "yep and I won't let you forget this" Tom kissed me and smiled Tom: "I'm really happy that I found you". Jake: "well yeah I've admired you sense all stars battle" Tom just looked at me surprised Tom: "you saw all stars battle and you knew what I did and still wanted to even be my friend". Jake: "yeah I love total drama and it's better to give someone the benefit of the doubt" Tom: "what did I do to deserve you" me and Tom kissed until I heard the oven go off. Tom: "is that strawberry and blueberry cake" Jake: "yeah I know it's your favorite so I wanted to give you a surprise"

Words: 314

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