Episode 8 theory

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Okay so Jake apologize to Tom again I hope they make up this episode because there is a chance of jake going home this episode

Trevor seems not to like Derek's idea so there is a twist so maybe who ever got this least amount of points or double elimination

It's obviously the merge and they get to sleep in the cabin now

Also it's funny but I think gabby and Jake are going to argue this episode

Idk who is going home but there is a good chance that it's either Jake, Gertt, miriam or gabby I'm bias but I really want Jake to stay and want Gertt to go home

The challenge seems like it's who is most likely too or like guess what person this applies too

So the "villains" are Alec, florie and grett one of them is going home soon but Alec not really a villain more of a alliance with the villain but still kinda of a villain

More gabbellie content and hopefully more Jam/Tomjake content

We get to see more of Jake and Ellie friendship

Seems like Alec and Gabby talking to each other

Elimination theory

14th: will (cannon)

13th: Drew (cannon)

12th: Nick (cannon)

11\10th: Ashley and Lill (cannon)

9th: Dan (cannon)


8th: Miriam

7th: grett

6th: Jake

5th: Ellie

4th: Alec

3rd: Tom

2nd: florie

1st: gabby

For some reason is a little easier because I wasn't worried about being bias because that's good placement for Jake because it's still far but not to far.

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