Episode 6 theories

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Hey I want apologize because I haven't been punishing anything for a while but I'm still working on flower door step but when I'm done with that I'll try and post more on here but there is still a lot of chapters to go I hope but I will still try and post on here.

Okay so a lot of people on discord are talking about how they think Tom and Jake are going to fight praying they don't though.

It looks like a paint ball war thing can't say for sure but hopefully not.

Also the title it shows Tom and Jake hugging which is cute I think Jake's just going to mention of thinking of leaving or something about a nightmare or like Jake not wanting to go to the grave yard alone so Tom talks about going with him when it's over.

I think Miriam will tell Jake that Tom was the one who voted for drew and that's what causes an argument or something.

I think all of us know that teal team is losing now the people I believe the people that have a chance to be eliminated is Miriam, gabby or dan it's one of those three I don't think Miriam or gabby but there is a chance of it's most likely that Dan is going to be eliminated this episode.

The merge is probably the 7th episoded so after this episoded it could be like after this elimination is the merge or just say this is the merge 7th episode.

Hopefully we get more gabbellie this episoded because I liked the ship in the original but gabby just got out way to fast.

Elimination theories

14th: will (cannon)

13th: drew (cannon)

12th: Nick (cannon)

11/10th: Ashley and lill (cannon)

9th: Dan


8th: Miriam

7th: Gertt (gabby used her immunity statue)

6th: Jake

5th: alec

4th: Ellie

3rd: florie

2nd: Tom

1st: gabby

I am trying not to be bias but like it was so hard to place Tom, ellie and Jake

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