Wished you were gay part 1

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Okay I know I just did one but like come on the last episode made me actually cry
11 episode spoiler
Ship: James x Aiden
Type: fluff at the beginning but then angst no happy ending in this part

Before the 11th episode Aiden had a crush on James and Aiden thought that there was a chance that James liked him back but after the conversation in the 11th episode Aiden realized James was straight and there was no chance that James saw him in that way.

Right now this takes place after episode 8

Aiden POV

Me and James have gotten a lot more along and I think I'm starting to have a crush on him and lake that James also likes me and maybe he does I'd really like that if he. I walked into the cabin and saw James texting someone Aiden: "hey who are you talking to" James turned off his phone quickly. James: "just one of my friend's outside of the game anyways let's watch the movie".

Time skip to after episode 9

Still Aiden POV

James was so nice to me and he made me feel important I'm so happy I'm glad I still in the game I definitely have a crush on him and James might actually like me back he really nice to me and really likes to put his arm around me. Aiden: "hey James you want to make snow angles" James: "sure that sounds like fun" he smiled at me and we grabbed are ear muffs and walked out.

Time skip to in the pool on the 11th episode

Still Aiden POV

Aiden: "I don't feel very comfortable with this subject but I feel like I have to tell you remember the truth challenge when Krystal asked the question that no one on our team answered". James: "Aiden okay don't worry you don't have to feel forced to talk to me about it until you feel comfortable doing it nothing is going to change how I think of you you". I hugged James this is the first time I told someone I'm trans and he is okay with it feels so nice to be accepted. My parents kicked me out when I told them I was trans and so I've never told anyone.

Time skip to after the the challenge

Still Aiden POV

I can't believe James used me for fame the only real friend I had here was lake and maybe Rosa Miria I even told James I was trans. I'm even more of an idiot for thinking James liked me he only cares about his fans he would probably accept my confession so he could gain more fans. He probably only likes girls and was just leading me on I felt tears running down my face are you kidding me I promised my self I wouldn't cry over a boy but know look at me I'm so pathetic.

James POV

I was walking around trying to find Aiden when I heard some mumbling and sobbing I looked over and saw Aiden crying and mumbling to himself I quietly walked over to him and heard Aiden mumble. Aiden: "I'm pathetic I am literally crying over someone" James: "Aiden are you okay". Aiden looked freaked out to see me but then did an angry expression Aiden: "I'm not taking a picture with you James". James: "Aiden I'm sorry I know that I was in the wrong and said bad stuff but I don't mean it know" Aiden: "so what you still said that stuff but you were right about one thing". James: "no I was wrong on everythi-" Aiden: "I am naive because I was naive enough to have a crush on you". My eyes widen my friends told me that Aiden definitely had a crush on me but I didn't believe them. Aiden: "I got my hopes up thinking that you liked me too but I was wrong you are straight I just really wished you were gay then I wouldn't feel like a idiot more then I do know". Aiden ran away crying even more then when I found him.

Sorry I'm not that good at angst but I tried
Words 702

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