Tiktok challange

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None of this is my art

James POV

Aiden was in the shower while I was at the cabin looking at the new TikTok trend. I was looking at a new trend but very popular trend it was about wearing lipstick and making kiss marks. Maybe Aiden is willing to do it with me I don't have lipstick but I can try and see if anybody has it. Aiden came in to the cabin Aiden: "hey James what are you doing" James: "nothing much I was wondering if you would do this TikTok trend with me". Aiden: "what is the TikTok trend" I explained what the it was James: "I don't have lipstick but I'm sure we can find some" Aiden stayed quiet for a little bit until he said Aiden: "I have lipstick in my bag" James: "why do you have lipstick in your bag". Aiden: "do you want to do this challenge or not" James: "okay okay since it's your lipstick how about you do the kiss marks". Aiden nodded and we set up everything after a while James: "okay you just do kiss marks where ever you chose"

Aiden POV

Okay now the camera is recording I just put kiss marks James on his forehead and cheek and started to leave them all over his cheek. I pause for a second and kiss really close to his lip I looked right into James eyes and looked at his lips and kissed on the lips. James looked at me and grabbed his phone and turned off his phone. James: "I wasn't expecting that but I'm glad you did that" I could feel my face heat up Aiden: "I'm sorry I just felt that was right". James: "well then why not do it again" before I could even speak James grabbed me and kissed me. James pulled away James: "your right this feels very nice". We both just started to laugh and smiled at each other we both just kissed again.

Sorry this is shorter then the others
Words: 341

James x Aiden one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now