Chapter 32: The Demon's Bundles of Joy Part 1 (Nikki Sixx POV)

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When we cheered up Mick, I could tell he'd really needed it and of course after that visit it was repeated when I could, Mick understood. There were also a lot of phone calls. But I FELT miserable, body hurting all the belly was huge, and I got quiet which brings us to my 8th month of pregnancy, and it turns out my last.... for the twins arrived much earlier than we thought.

I want the twins out! I love Nick and Sophie Dearly, but at the same time the sheer fucking I am 8 months pregnant, I haven't talked to Gene in days really...barely, and I have been stressing ABOUT that among other things. I wonder with the back pain.... fuck, if this is even a fraction of what Mick deals with on a daily basis, then I understand so much more than I did. Gene, though my fiancée (he and I wanted to wait until the twins were a few months old to get married) has been so sweet through all of this and he deserves an explanation, he deserves better I feel, I don't WANT TO feel like this.

And... I have been cramping all morning, it now being afternoon. I didn't want to bother Gene or worry him even further, my huge belly feels like a rock right now...and food, yeah that's another thing: food has sounded fucking gross today to say the least. Gene insisted on at least getting me toast or something like that and tea too.

Suddenly.... PAIN.... a contraction...I think hits me like a fucking freight train, robbing me of breath but I manage to scream, one of pain and I am scared......I can't move....

Running footsteps and I FEEL Gene more than I see him, but I reach for him, and he seems to get the message as he holds me until finally it passes...and it's what I think, passes for now. I am SO hurts...this will hurt like hell and I'm early...I'm early.

"G-Gene, I think...e-early.... I-I... didn't tell you...b-been cramping all morning...and it may be l-labor...I haven't talked in days, and I am SORRY!" I stammer wailing refusing to look at him.

"Jewel." Gently firmly, Gene calls me 'jewel' because of my emerald eyes saying I am the most priceless of treasures, "Nikki, you gotta tell me stuff...I'm not angry, but I just don't want anything to happen to you and the babies and I believe you are in labor...let's get you to the hospital, ok?"

"I-I d-deserve miserable...and...and I feel so much that supposed to happen?" I'm beginning to panic, which I know can't be good for Nick and Sophie.

"First off, I LOVE YOU.... for the first time in so many years, I realized I deserve to be happy and the only one that could ever make me feel this way is YOU....and yes...your belly is getting low Jewel.... c'mon and let's get you up and see if we can make you more comfortable." I beg Gene for a kiss, which mentally makes me feel somewhat carefully he gets me on my feet, I can feel myself tremble a bit, and I try and take calming breaths.

"G-Genie...i.... can.... i get me t-to bathroom...." I pant, feeling a strong urge to pee......and suddenly without warming.... something warm and wet runs down my legs, GUSHING out of me. MY EYES widen. "S-Sorry for the mess!" I wail. Gene though is what I need: CALMING. He quickly and carefully cleans me up, changing me into sweats and a t-shirt pulling my hair back....and this is all I remember before a haze descends....

Beeping noises.... I'm not dead right?! RIGHT?! Oh FUCK!!! That hurts, these hurts.... nope not DEAD!!

"Nikki! Breathe.... JEWEL, Breathe." Gene's panicked, worried, and tear-filled Baritone washes over me.

"OWW FUCK!!" I grip Gene tightly, plastered to him practically as contraction passes. "W-What happened? A-Are they ok? Nick? Sophie?" Nervously I place my hands on my well swollen stomach and I feel Gene's hands over mine.

"The pain...was a lot for you, for your body to handle. I told EMS what happened. It scared me, I thought I was going to..." Gene's voice cracks, "Lose you.... but Nick and Sophie are ok as can be, and I know how much it hurts baby, but it will be worth it to bring our babies into this world. I love you SO much and I am so damn proud of you, that you are mine. Thank you for giving me children Nikki, for your heart." Gene is full blown crying and so am I as we come together in a tear-filled kiss.

"D-Does everyone know?" I ask after word.

"Yes...I called Eric Carr; they don't call him 'Fox' for nothing." Gene quips....and the hours that pass by are long and pain-filled, contractions are painful motherfuckers I tell you...and then it comes time for me to push and I look to Gene who kisses me for strength, "You've got this Nikki.... i know how much it hurts, but I am right here with you."

"L-Love you." I pant out and bear down with a SCREAM, letting lose some choice curse words, many choices curse words if you will. This continues for a fucking eternity, more like 30 min at least and FINALLY, the head of our first child is out, and it fucking BURNS. "G-Gene..." I cry exhausted.

"You CAN do this.... our first baby.... Wow, our first is ready to meet us. Make the pain your bitch." Gene's words give me strength and so I do as he says and FINALLY our first child slides out, wailing and waving HIS fists in the air, our son! It's our son, and immediately he is placed on my skin for contact, and I am stunned and in love with the little boy.


"He is...big little guy! Takes after me.... wow." Gene laughs and cries both, but the pain comes back, and it looks like our little girl is ready, our Sophie.... Sophie comes out much easier than her brother, still wailing and red-faced, but again so fucking beautiful!! Gene kisses me, taking my breath away and our babies are soon cleaned and placed carefully in my arms and the things that I feel.... hard to describe in words.

"Gene.... I-I was so scared of birth, during my pregnancy....and everything that happened, that I would do this alone, but I'm not alone, you are here. And that means so much to me, me, you're an amazing partner and I know are an amazing father....and, Nick here taking after daddy built like a line-backer.... he looks like you...and i..." Suddenly Nick opens his little eyes, and they are MY green eyes. Sophie follows suit, both Nick and Sophie seeming to stare at me mesmerized. Sophie looks to be a perfect blend of Gene and me.

Gene kisses each of our newborns on their little foreheads and then kisses me.

"I... for so long was BLIND to love, that I loved YOU. And then I was...I couldn't cope, I didn't think I wanted kids, wanted THIS.... I'm a FATHER. A father and its thanks to you, you opened my eyes and my heart Nikki. I want...NEED THIS, we're getting married.... this is nothing I ever thought I wanted but EVERYTHING I need. Nick and Sophie are the best of both of us." Gene is in tears and so am I, as gently I rock my children.... They are starting to get fussy. "Talk to them Nikki...and by the way, I love you."

"I love you too." Softly, Gene carefully joins me on my bed holding us ALL carefully. I look on my son and daughter with wonder, feeling so much love that I feel as if my heart could burst. "Hey Nick, Sophie.... Mommy, I am your mommy. I PROMISE that I will be the mother I never had, well you could I guess say Aunty Mick is like my mom. But anyway, you two will know nothing but love and support. And daddy.... daddy is the best partner and father I could ask for, the only one I'd ever want, ever need.... we are both SO happy to meet you." Nick and Sophie start making cooing noises. They feel so warm....

Nick and Sophie's birth was for Gene and I one for the books in that, it was my first pregnancy...the shit that preceded us getting together, the fall out between us and Gene realizing his feelings, and not just accepting them EMBRACING them. We were first time parents then, since then we've had another set of twins...bringing our total children to four. Anyway, Gene was in awe...weeping without shame the day of Nick and Sophie's birth, and the first time he held them? God, it was priceless, it was EVERYTHING.

A/N: Nick and Sophie are here!!! Next chapter is part 2 and Gene's POV! 

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