Chapter 43: Mama I'm Coming Home Part 2 (Ozzy POV)

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Mick has just fallen asleep, and I feel the tears slip down my cheeks without the memory of his almost unnatural really to me sleep come back. I am STILL very much afraid when he sleeps, and I am afraid to fall asleep now because I couldn't face a world without seeing him, because if I fall asleep, I feel like he will disappear and I KNOW that's not true, not now. I should tell Mick of my fears, but my beloved needs rest. Truly I am glad my beloved, my firefly is alive, ALIVE but that's twice now I've lost him or almost lost him.

My heart is full yet heavy for what he went thru with this pregnancy and the hell I gave him before that night I'd found him in the rain...that fateful night. I manage to shake myself out of my stupor, I too am exhausted but I want to check on our daughters first. Doesn't fucking matter we have baby monitors every bloody where, but first I whisper to my fiancée that I will be right back and go to check on our children.

Upon entering the nursery of my precious angels....part Me, Part Alien and ALL around precious....all is well it seems, their tiny little chests rising and falling. Michelle and Angel both fisting their little blankets and I whisper to them....

"Sleep well my little ones, if you need me....just cry for me, I love you both very much and now I will go back to your mother, your dear...dear mother." I linger for a moment longer before making my way back to the bedroom I share with my lover who is still sleeping away, on his side and I quickly strip down to my boxers and join my lover in bed, carefully taking him in my arms. Mick stirs slightly, but only to burrow deeper into my embrace. I feel the tears fall once more, as it hits me that I nearly didn't have this and God how I have MISSED this with him. Mick's scent of pine and mint invading my senses, very soothing and I note that there is a small smile on his face even in sleep and that warms my heart.

"I've missed this my beloved firefly...having you HOME where you belong....home in my arms. Sleep as much as you need my love....t-though it scares me SO much, I promise I will talk to you...I NEVER want to keep ANYTHING from you, EVER again." I whisper, gently kissing his forehead before I give into the call of sleep.

I wake up...I don't know what time it is, hmm...early evening. And I panic or start to realize Mick isn't in bed with me and I calm myself as I realize he must be in the nursery, so I throw on some sleep pants and rush into the nursery, to find it devoid of my fiancée and children.

I close my eyes a moment to calm myself....and it hits me, I know EXACTLY where my family is, wow my family, that will damned well never gets old.

Ok Ozzy, calming now.... he's in his favorite place on earth: Our home studio and practice room, I had it built for him...same with the house, I bought it with him in mind: Mars Mountain...Concentrate, i need to concentrate....

Before I realize it, I've arrived at my destination, where I can hear my children making noises of protests and Mick's voice.... i rush in only to pause at his words, my breath being taken away by how beautiful the scene before me is, Mick with his guitar the one I'd gotten him, and two small bundles housed in bassinets within easy reach....

"You don't want me to stop huh?" More noises of protests. "Ok my angels...I'll play, anything to make you happy, I'd do anything for the two of you. Now how about one of daddy's songs?"

Angel and Michelle BOTH make happy noises it seems to me. Mick laughs, looking radiantly beautiful and he starts playing the rifts from 'Bark at the Moon' and I am in awe for so many reasons: How happy Mick is, true I can see the exhaustion and the pain and all from the birth and recovery, but anyway....the way our daughters are mesmerized, the way my fiancées eyes...I can see the fire, that has been reignited....i feel, I FEEL....if only I could suspend this moment in time, forever.

Mick stops playing and places his guitar, the one I'd gotten him a few months back in his stand and says without looking his voice so soft, "Oz I knew you were there the whole time."

I laugh lightly shaking my head as I join my love, greeting him with a kiss. "Lemme DELIGHTFUL Citrus & Spice scent?"

Mick grins teasing me, "VERY delightful." Before his look grows guilty and a bit concerned, "I'm sorry I made you worry at all. I-I mean, they woke up....and I didn't want to bother you. They've both been fed and changed.... i...I." Mick rambles, until I kiss him again and I swear our daughters coo in delight.

"Shh, its ok now. You're ok.... That's what matters. Now we've got our girls fed and let's get ourselves fed, I'll get dinner together...and..." Mick cuts me off, with a finger to my lips his eyes cutting straight thru me.

"Oz.... i see it in your eyes, something is bothering you...and I have an idea as to what. Let's get our girls to the kitchen, yes?" I relax somewhat, that's my Alien he KNOWS. I pick up Michelle, cradling her to my chest, as Mick does the same to Angel as each tiny baby girl burrows into our chests and my heart melts as we make our way to the kitchen, and thank god we have bassinets every bloody where, for we get them settled after a little bit of rocking them and they close their little eyes, as I start on dinner...with my beloveds help and we talk, keeping a close eye on our daughters.

I sigh, "Mick.... its...just that, well SCARES me still when you go to sleep, I fear you not waking up and if I fall asleep and wake up you-you will disappear, I KNOW that's not true...and..and I STILL feel guilty over how I treated you not so long ago." It is here I break down, I pine, and mint invade my senses as I dive practically into my lover's arms, as he attempts to calm me though I can hear tears and feel him shaking.

"Oz.... for how you treated me, yes it hurts...or it did. But baby that's in the past, as traumatic as it was, now you know you have me to lean on as I have you. You've like me got to let go, though that's easier said than done and I know that better than anyone....and the sleep? Yes, I know just how you feel...I thought I'd died.... I DID. But I came back....i tried so hard for so long to come back to you Ozzy, I did.... but the point is....i will always and I mean always come back to you, and our family. I love you all more than words could say and there is NOTHING that could keep me from you, never doubt that." We kiss after his words, just feeling one the moment and somehow, someway we finish prepping one of the pre-prepped meals Gene sent and soon are sitting at the table with our precious, precious and still for now, sleeping daughters which likely means a long night...and I find I do not mind the least, for I am HOME with the man who went thru such hell for me, for us and i love him more than words can ever say and too our daughters i love more than life itself.

Welcome home my beloved Alien, my FIREFLY...

A/N: I loved writing this chapter, happy with how it turned out. The next chapter, the first of two parts, will see a bit of a time skip and the Demon and his mate will wed. stay tuned! 

Shot in the Dark: A Mick Mars X Ozzy Osbourne StoryWhere stories live. Discover now