45. Good news.

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Hey buns .... missed you all ~~~


It was 12:45 am at night.......half en hour since kook was trying to sleep. But his sleep was all gone.

Thanks to his hubby who was sleeping peacefully like he hadn't been mouthing on his clothed nipple since 15 min.

Kook sighed heavily....... gripping the bedsheet tightly in his fist ....while his one hand was still rested on tae's head.....mind all blank not knowing what to do .

How to stop tae? Ofcource if tae had been conscious he wouldn't have done this.

Kook looked down.......his panickness lessen down seeing tae sleeping peacefully....while sucking on his left breast clothed nipple as a new born.

Tae was looking so relaxed that made kook all smiley too.... relaxing himself kook started caressing tae's hair again.

Now he can't wake his hubby up from his sleep. Kook's heart won't agree to disturb the precious sleep.

The intimacy....they haven't been intimate before....hell !!! they haven't even kissed yet.... that's the reason kook was feeling nervous and panic before.

They haven't even confessed their feelings to each other yet.

AHH...these all things were giving a headache to kook .....so he thought it's better to not think anything......and just sleep.

Just when kook was about to sleep again....tae stirred in his sleep.... holding kook's waist with his palms...tae started nuzzling kook's cleavage making his way up..... hiding his face in the neck ......tae inhaled deeply to smell the sweet baby like smell....before drifting off to sleep again.

Kook who had been holding his breath till now......felt relief...... holding the blanket he covered them securely before hugging tae back .

Closing his eyes kook too fell in a deep slumber holding his hubby close to himself.


The next morning.

All the family members were seated at the dining table waiting for the food.... passing their time by chatting.

The baby was seated on the mat just beside the dining table.... playing with his new toys which his grandpa's brought ( eunwoo , ye-Jun)

He was all bubbly and active since morning as his stomach was full ( kook breastfeeded him before coming downstairs).

Today's cooking work was handled by Jin , Jimin and kook as they insisted Ha-rin and Irene to take rest.

" Hyungie....you should rest ....me and jiminie hyungie can handle all this....just pancakes are left ..I will make them" kook suggested to Jin.... noticing that jin's health was not well....he was sweating a lot.... looking pale today.

" Ani.... kookie ...I am doing totally fine.. don't worry" Jin assured them smiling slightly.

" No.....go and sit at the dining table...come" jungkook said while dragging Jin by shoulders to the living room.

Making him sit kook was about to go back...when tae looked at him raising his eyebrows in question as to what happened .

Kook smiled reassuringly at tae mouthing nothing .

Getting back to the kitchen...kook quickly made strawberry pancakes while Jimin made fresh orange juice for every one.

Serving the dishes they too sad down and had their break fast with everyone. In between Namjoon mentioned that he is gonna take Jin to check up today....no one questioned anything knowing it was best as jin's health was not good these days.

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