54. Birthday party .

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Hey . I missed you all bun's 😘


Alarm's sound rang in the much silent room , disturbing the sleep of the couple cuddling on the bed. The curtains were all closed preventing the sunlight rays to enter the dark room. The room was pitch black except the bed side lamp light .

Hearing the blaring sound for the second time , jungkook woke up . He directed his hand towards the bedside table to switch off the alarm .

'6 AM' jungkook observed the time . Yes , he himself had set the alarm last night . Today is his bubba's bday , there are so many works to do . Especially , he wants to wish his baby once again as soon as his fluff ball decides to wake up .

Jungkook prayed for everything to go well today . Rubbing his own eyes with his small fists . Jungkook looked down to see taehyung's face sprawled on his chest . While his hubby's veiny arms were draped over his bare waist .

Taehyung's face glowed golden as the lamp light fell directly on his face . Taehyung was sleeping like a baby , his pillowy lips were forming a big pout . His perfect eyebrows were resting peacefully on his forehead , taehyung's apple cheeks were looking more chubbier as taehyung's cheek was squished against jungkook's chest .

The current image infront of Jungkook only reminded him once again that it doesn't matter how much stern or cold taehyung personality is , but for jungkook he will always be a big baby , and jungkook promised himself right this instant to protect this big baby bear at any cost .

Jungkook admired his big baby who was sleeping with no care of the world . Waking up cuddling with tae , made jungkook's day .

Jungkook smiled brightly while he let his dainty fingers to massage tae's mullet hair . Seeing no sign of taehyung waking up , jungkook spoke sweetly ...

" Taehyungie wake up , it's already 6:30 in the morning " jungkook whispered softly near his husband's ear . Jungkook was so busy in admiring his hubby that he was shocked to notice that halfen hour has already passed since he woke up .

" Atleast leave me , I need to bath " jungkook gave up on waking his baby up , and suggested this so that atleast he can freshen up meanwhile .

" Aani~ let's sleep for few more minutes" taehyung whined like a baby , tightening his hold on his wife's petite bare waist . Making sure that he won't leave him .

" Ok my baby bear , but only 5 minutes more you can sleep " jungkook bargained , because he knows taehyung won't let him leave anytime soon . As much as jungkook loves cuddling taehyung , now is not the time . They have so many works pending regarding the party they are throwing today . And jungkook needs to feed his bubba too .

" Ok " taehyung agreed with the condition jungkook gave . Feeling the softness of Jungkook's breast's , he started nuzzling his face on jungkook's soft chest . His pointed nose rubbing on the cleavage of his wife . Taehyung inhaled deeply , the sweet milky smell made him drunk .

Feeling taehyung nuzzling his nose in his bare cleavage jungkook blushed scarlet , his hold on tae's shoulder's tightened. Anticipating the next move of his hubby . The close proximity of them brought back the memories of last night to jungkook . Their first kiss . Jungkook still can't believe that they really kissed . God ! It was such a heavenly feeling having taehyung's lips on his own . Jungkook raised his one hand from tae's shoulder to touch his swollen lips . He smiled bashfully , feeling butterflies in his stomach realising they were each other's first kiss .

While jungkook was lost in his thoughts , taehyung was still nuzzling his face all over the plush , soft breast of Jungkook .

Taehyung loves everything about jungkook , from his long silky hair to his toe's . But taehyung was well aware of the fact that he is more obsessed with jungkook's chest . And he isn't a bit ashamed of it . Jungkook is his legal wife , he have every right to worship jungkook's body when- ever and how-ever he likes .

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