this is why we cant have nice things

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The sorting was a blur. It felt like they went from Anderson, Amy to Zegler, Zander within seconds. A fourth year Hufflepuff sat next to Adeline. She proceeded to talk Adeline's ear off for the entirety of dinner. The young girl, Amaryllis Jones, was apparently the first person in her family to not be a Slytherin, so she made it a point to talk down on Hufflepuffs any chance she got. Since, Adeline was never around much, Amaryllis must've thought they were one in the same, but sadly she was mistaken.

"So what about you? Whose your family? Any siblings? Any relation to the eight?" Amaryllis asked Adeline who was beginning to doze off.

"Uhhh no siblings, and you probably wouldn't know my parents. They're muggles. Dad's an author and Mom's a teacher."

"You're a mudblood?!??" Amaryllis hissed while starting to stand up. "I just spent the last thirty minutes pouring out my heart and soul to a mudblood???"

"If it makes you feel any better I wasn't really paying attention." Adeline replied nonchalantly, suddenly aware that Amaryllis' outburst drew the attention of the Gryffindor table behind her. "But given that I no longer think I am wanted here I am going to retire to my room."

Adeline quickly got up and left the Great Hall and directed course to the kitchens. She was about to open the portrait when she hears her name.

"Wilson! You alright?" Remus Lupin asks slightly out of breath from trying to catch up with her.

"Lupin your savior complex is showing again." Adeline responded slightly annoyed.

"Sorry, I forgot I'm not allowed to ever be nice around you. I'll just go back and high five Amaryllis- it's not like she's the shitty person in this situation, it's definitely me."

"I mean at least she was upfront. The whole time she was bitching she never once pretended to be someone she wasn't."

"Yes, I almost forgot about your delusions that I am some secretly evil person who plots to destroy you all."

"No- you wouldn't be the plotter. You'd be the backstabber everyone trusted but who knew all the evil plans and didn't tell anyone."

"You are so fucking full of yourself Wilson. I try to check on you- which I don't see anyone else doing by the way since you don't have any fucking friends- and you act like I'm the one who just called you that"

"Fine Lupin." Adeline put on a sickeningly sweet face and batted her eyelashes. "Thank you so so much for asking me how I am doing and acknowledging that was she called me was bad- that definitely isn't bare minimum behavior and it should be praised. In fact I'll throw you a party in appreciation because you are my hero."

"Shut up Wilson. I don't know why I even try with you." Remus says with a huff while walking away.

"What a dick" Adeline mumbled while entering the kitchens, but deep down feeling a twinge of guilt.

a sheep in wolf's clothing// remusWhere stories live. Discover now