lavender haze

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Adeline pulled away from Remus, "Well damn."

"Not gonna run away this time are you?" Remus smirked.

"I've had enough running from you to last a lifetime."

"Wait when else have you ran from me?"

"When I avoided you in the Fall. Because I realized how much I liked you."

"That's why you avoided me?! Addy baby you have to stop running from your feelings."

"I have! I ran to my feelings this time." Adeline said giving Remus a peck.

"And I am so glad you did." Remus pulled her in for another kiss.

"Ah!" Peter said covering his eyes as he reappeared in the doorway, "I heard voices I thought you were done."

Remus ended the kiss, but wrapped his arm around Adeline then turned to Peter, "We're done Wormy, but you're gonna have to get used to this."

Peter peaked through his hands and was relieved to see the lack PDA, "I'm just glad you're finally together. It was getting annoying hearing Remus talk about you."

"Awww you talked about me." Adeline said with a smirk.

"Shove off you're telling me that you've never talked about me?" Remus questioned her.

"I guess you'll never know."

"She talked to Promgs about you." Peter replied nonchalantly.

"You told Prongs that you fancied me?!" Remus gasped.

"James told you that I fancied Remus?!" Adeline asked with wide eyes.

"Oh yeah the poor kid was freaking out about what to do." Peter said, "I didn't tell anyone don't worry. I told you I'm great with secrets."

"Merlin I'm going to kill James." Adeline's mood quickly shifted, "Merlin I need to tell James! He's going to flip." Adeline gabe Remus one last kiss, "I'll talk to you later."

"We literally just got together and you're going off to talk to another man?" Remus teased.

"Fuck off Lupin!" Adeline responded with her middle finger up as she bounded down the dormitory steps

"Did that really just happen Wormy?"

"Yes, Moony. Yes it did."


"And then I kissed him again. It was marvelous. Absolutely perfect."

Adeline was lying next to Lily's bed where she and James laid under the covers. Unbeknownst to Adeline they had just finished, ya know whatting, and were not yet dressed.

"That's brilliant Zippy." James responded, not even fazed that if she had walked in mere seconds earlier she would've seen a whole show.

"Yeah congrats Addy," Lily said, miles more embarrassed than James.

"I felt the James Potter charm take over than me. We might not be siblings by blood but I for real felt like your genetics were running through my veins." Adeline joked.

"He's not that charming," Lily said rolling her eyes, then she squealed randomly.

Adeline looked at the pair confused as James laughed and Lily hit him. "Okay I'm gonna go now. I feel like I may have interrupted something."

"What gave that away Zippy?" James teased.

"Yeah buh-bye." Adeline said getting up and exiting the room. She went to leave the Gryffindor common room when she was stopped by McGonagall.

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